Enable the following options, and then select OK: Use the MDB_ONLINE flag when calling OpenMsgStore Use the MAPI_NO_CACHE flag when calling OpenEntry On the Session menu, select Logon. Select the Outlook cached mode profile for the mailbox, and then select OK. Double-clic...
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\16.0\outlook\cached mode DWORD: Enable Value: 0 Please also run the following command and make sure the GPO settings are correctly applied: gpresult /h gpreport.html Please let me know the result. ...
Enable the following options, and then selectOK: Use the MDB_ONLINE flag when calling OpenMsgStore Use the MAPI_NO_CACHE flag when calling OpenEntry On theSessionmenu, selectLogon. Select the Outlook cached mode profile for the mailbox, and then selectOK. ...
2. On theE-mailtab, double-click the email account, try to set the Sync Slider toAllin Cached mode. 3. ClickMore Settings, on theAdvancedtab, under Cached Exchange Mode Settings, check both "Use Cached Exchange Mode" and "Download shared folders". 4. Restart Outlook to have a try. If...
Can't start Outlook in cached mode or create a profile Crashes after installing language packs Enable transport logging Error when you copy MSG email message files in Outlook containing multiple attachments or recipients ErrorItemNotFound when add-ins make REST calls How to ...
DescriptionSetting to enable Shared Folders window Registry path HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Outlook\Cached Mode Name SharedFolderSyncWindowSettingDays Type REG_DWORD Value Value = Select a Decimal value to set the number of days (1-365) for the shared folders s...
OCT 登錄路徑: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Outlook\Cached Mode !DisableSyncSliderForSharedMailbox 停用或啟用同步處理滑桿會影響上共用信箱,包括代理人存取主管的信箱中的電子郵件資料夾。停用,請將此機碼設定為 1。預設值為 0。 允許自動探索,以自動登入到網際網路帳戶建立期間 群組原則登錄...
OCT 登錄路徑:HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Outlook\Cached Mode !DisableSyncSliderForSharedMailbox 停用或啟用同步處理滑桿會影響上共用信箱,包括代理人存取主管的信箱中的電子郵件資料夾。停用,請將此機碼設定為 1。預設值為 0。
OCT 登錄路徑: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Outlook\Cached Mode !DisableSyncSliderForSharedMailbox 停用或啟用同步處理滑桿會影響上共用信箱,包括代理人存取主管的信箱中的電子郵件資料夾。停用,請將此機碼設定為 1。預設值為 0。 允許自動探索,以自動登入到網際網路帳戶建立期間 群組原則登錄...
OCT 注册表路径:HKEY_CURRENT_USER\software\microsoft\office\16.0\outlook\ cached mode!syncwindowsetting 启用此设置可按邮件日期配置 Microsoft Outlook 在本地同步用户邮件的数量。若要允许将所有电子邮件(不考虑日期)都同步到用户的本地邮箱缓存,请从列表中启用和选择“全部” 。默认情况下,如果您不配置此设置,...