// TODO: Change the recipient in the next line if necessary. Outlook.Recipient oRecip = (Outlook.Recipient)oRecips.Add("email address"); oRecip.Resolve(); // Send. oMsg.Send(); // Log o...
TBD=To Be Determined=待决定,待商议 OT=Overtime=加班 N/A=Not Applicable=不适用 TBH = To Be Honest=坦白说 THX=Thanks=谢谢 PTO=Paid Time Off=带薪休假 RSVP=(法语)Répondez s'il vous plait=请回复 O2O=Online to Offline=线上到线下 KPI=Key PerformanceIndication=关键业绩指标 BS = brainstorming...
垃圾Email 邮件正文 性能 配置文件和帐户 安全性 用户界面 更多产品 使用英语阅读 保存 添加到集合 添加到计划 通过 Facebookx.com 共享LinkedIn电子邮件 打印 项目 2024/01/30 适用于: Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 本文内容 简介 详细信息 参考 简介
en_US-components/common/EmailVerification-1731977288000":{"__typename":"CachedAsset","id":"text:en_US-components/common/EmailVerification-1731977288000","value":{"email.verification.title":"Email Verification Required","email.verification.message.update.email":"To participate in the community, you ...
Upon updating to To-Do version 1.52, you'll see a prompt asking if you'd like to turn on the flagged email feature. Once enabled, you'll see a new list for flagged emails appear amongst your other lists. Any time you flag an email in Outlook with your work or school account, it ...
When adding an email task to Todo from Outlook via copy or Flagged Email, that task has a link to open the original email in Outlook. The link functions different depending on where you click it. Expected Behavior (has been working the last year): …
I still agree that it would be great if MS To-Do / Tasks could show you your Categories from Outlook automatically. Just as they've automatically shown "Flagged Email", "Assigned to Me", "Planned" and "Tasks". It would be great if these categories were linked to the To Do Tasks ...
我們將以Outlook 2016 on Mac爲例,向您示範如何備份和還原Mac中Outlook的5種方法。放輕鬆並依照正確的解決方案操作,立即保護您的電子郵件。 如何在我的MacBook上備份與還原Outlook 2016? 「如何在Mac上備份Outlook 2016郵件?我最近升級了Mac上的Outlook,但發現我的一些舊郵件丟失了。幸運的是,那些丟失的郵件並不重要...