通常,您可以通過刪除大型電子郵件來減小郵箱大小,而查找大型電子郵件的最簡單方法是按郵件大小進行排序。 但是,如何在Outlook中顯示和查看郵件的大小? 如果電子郵件的屬性如何? 有一些技巧可以幫助您輕鬆解決它。 查看一個文件夾中所有電子郵件的大小 查看一封電子郵件的大小和屬性 ...
您的Microsoft Outlook是否變得沉重且運行緩慢? 長時間以來,Microsoft Outlook中可能會塞滿許多電子郵件,任務和約會。 在清理郵箱之前,最好檢查一下當前佔用的空間文件夾。 在這裡,我們將向您展示如何在Microsoft Outlook中快速檢查和查看每個郵箱或文件夾的大小。
Another way to reduce mailbox size in Outlook is to empty the deleted items folder and junk email folder. You can quickly get rid of your deleted items by emptying the Deleted Items folder automatically when you quit or exit Outlook. To do so, follow the below steps: Step 1:In Outlook,...
View the size of your Conflicts folder and delete this folder. Best practices to keep your mailbox lean If your email is stored on an email server such as Exchange, when your mailbox reaches its upper limit your administrator might start limiting functionality. For example, at 90 MB you mig...
ViewFont 对象 ViewFont 对象 属性 应用程序 粗体 类 颜色 ExtendedColor 斜体 名称 Parent 会话 Size 删除线 下划线 Views 对象 枚举 Outlook View control reference Outlook 窗体脚本参考 PowerPoint Project Publisher Visio Word 语言参考 库参考 Learn
Outlook) (ViewFont.Size 屬性 文章 07/04/2023 6 位參與者 意見反映 在此文章 語法 註解 另請參閱 會傳回或設定Long值,代表檢視中的字型大小 (以點數為單位)。 唯讀。 語法 運算式。大小 表達代表ViewFont 物件的變數。 註解 這個屬性可以設定為從 1 到 127 範圍的值。 如果這個屬性設定為小於 1 的...
EmailAddress 任何SMTP 電子郵件地址。例如: someone@contoso.com MeetingSuggestion 參照的事件或會議。例如: 我們的 lunch 符合下一步星期二。 PhoneNumber 美國的電話號碼。例如: (425) 555-1212 TaskSuggestion 可採取的電子郵件中的句子。例如: 請在[我的電腦上安裝 Office 2013。 Url 檔案名稱或位址。例如: ...
Microsoft Exchange Server email account By default, if you are using an Exchange Server mailbox, you receive this error message if you attach one or more items to a message, and the total size of the attachments is larger than 10 MB (10,240 KB). This attachment limit is not related to...
Microsoft Exchange Server email account By default, if you are using an Exchange Server mailbox, you receive this error message if you attach one or more items to a message, and the total size of the attachments is larger than 10 MB (10,240 KB). This attachment limit is not related to...
After the user enters their email address, Outlook for iOS and Android connects to the AutoDetect service. AutoDetect 通过启动自动发现查询Exchange Online来确定邮箱类型。 Exchange Online determines that the user's mailbox is on-premises and returns a 302-redirect to A...