為什麼? A23:離線通訊錄支援針對 DisplayName、Lastname、OfficeLocation、Alias 和 Email 位址欄位解析名稱。 如果這些欄位不符合您的需求,您可以強制 Outlook 解決 Proxy 位址。如需詳細資訊,請按一下下列文章編號以檢視 Microsoft 知識庫中的文章: 831124如何強制 Outlook 2007 或 Outlook 2003 解決 Excha...
A23:脱机通讯簿支持根据 DisplayName、Lastname、OfficeLocation、Alias 和 Email 地址字段解析名称。 如果这些字段不符合要求,可以强制 Outlook 解析代理地址。有关详细信息,请单击以下文章编号以查看 Microsoft 知识库中的文章: 831124如何在缓存 Exchange 模式下 强制Outlook 2007 或 Outlook 2003 解析代理地址和自定义...
AutoDetect 會針對內部部署自動探索服務啟動查詢,以判斷電子郵件位址的 ActiveSync 端點。 嘗試內部部署的 URL 類似下列範例:<https://autodiscover.contoso.com/autodiscover/autodiscover.json?Email=test%40contoso.com&Protocol=activesync&RedirectCount=3>。
using Outlook for iOS and Android as the only email app for end users, they can configure a conditional access policy that blocks other mobile access methods. Outlook for iOS 和 Android 通过Microsoft Entra标识对象进行身份验证,然后连接到Exchange Online。
显示名称255 个字符EmailAddressDetails.displayName属性 Recipients对象 Item.requiredAttendees属性 Item.optionalAttendees属性 Item.to属性 Item.cc属性约会或邮件中显示名称的长度限制。 设置主题255 个字符DisplayedSubject.setAsync(预览) Mailbox.displayNewAppointmentForm方法 ...
Your app customization settings are locally stored in the following location: Why is a particular app missing for me? M365 apps are available based on user license. Please ensure you have the appropriate license enabled for the app. Yes, but only core Outlook mod...
After the user enters their email address, Outlook for iOS and Android connects to the AutoDetect service. AutoDetect 通过启动自动发现查询Exchange Online来确定邮箱类型。 Exchange Online determines that the user's mailbox is on-premises and returns a 302-redirect to AutoDetect with the on-premises...
NoteYour app customization settings are locally stored in the following location: C:\\Users\\<useralias>\\AppData\\Local\\Microsoft\\Outlook\\HubAppCache\\IdentityGUID_ADAL folder Commonly asked questions Since this blog is aSupportblog, the focus of this post is...
After the user enters their email address, Outlook for iOS and Android connects to the AutoDetect service. AutoDetect 通过启动自动发现查询Exchange Online来确定邮箱类型。 Exchange Online determines that the user's mailbox is on-premises and returns a 302-redirec...
('#settings-done').removeAttr('disabled'); } function sendMessage(message) { Office.context.ui.messageParent(message); } function getParameterByName(name, url) { if (!url) { url = window.location.href; } name = name.replace(/[\[\]]/g, "\\$&"); const regex = new RegExp("[?