Set-OWAVirtualDirectory-Identity"<ExchangeServer>\owa <Website>"<Settings> 此示例允许在 Outlook 网页版 中配置直接文件访问,以阻止未在“允许”列表中明确定义的文件类型, (默认操作是“允许) ”。 PowerShell复制 Set-OwaVirtualDirectory-Identity"Contoso\owa (Default Web Site)"-ActionForUnknownFileAndMIMEType...
不使用公用資料夾之 Exchange Server 環境中的 Outlook 2007 若要將 Outlook 2007 設定為使用 GPO 型安全性設定,請將登錄專案設定AdminSecurityMode為值 3。 此外,如果需要,請確認AddinTrust登錄項目設定為值 0(零) 。 附件安全性設定 Outlook 2007 中附件的安全性設定如下。 is designed by Microsoft as an alternative to Google Gmail. And – just like Gmail – you can configure your favorite email client to send & receive emails through your email account. To do so, you need to know the mail server settings. Basically, you ... is designed by Microsoft as an alternative to Google Gmail. And – just like Gmail – you can configure your favorite email client to send & receive emails through your email account. To do so, you need to know the mail server settings. Basically, you ...
On the PC or Mac where you have Outlook installed, open Outlook selectFile>Info>Account Settings. In theAccount Settingswindow check theTypecolumn to see what type of account it is. What are my email server settings? Email server settings for the most popular providers can easily be found on...
server)box. Inthesendingserver(SMTP)box, 6.enteryourfullemailaddressandHotmailpassword.Ifthis computerisnottheonlyoneyoucanlogon,pleasedon'ttick thepassword.Ensurethattheuseofsecurepassword authenticationlogin(SPA)isnotchecked.[nextstep]-Finish ...
You can always login to your Hotmail account from a web browser, but the mail server settings let you to check your messages from an email program as well. As one of the largest webmail providers in the world, is supported "out of the box" in many cases; behind-the-scenes...
On the PC or Mac where you have Outlook installed, open Outlook selectFile>Info>Account Settings. In theAccount Settingswindow check theTypecolumn to see what type of account it is. What are my email server settings? Email server settings for the most popular providers can easily be found on...
如果已使用公用文件夹安全表单来管理安全性,则到 Outlook 2007 的最简单迁移路由是继续使用公用文件夹安全表单。 无论在环境中运行的Exchange Server版本如何,都可以执行此操作。 若要确保 Outlook 2007 使用公用文件夹安全表单中配置的安全设置,请将AdminSecurityMode注册表项设置为值 1或2。 设置的值取决于已发布的...
不同於 Office Outlook 2003,Outlook 2007 不會使用 CheckAdminSettings 登錄數據來決定原則設定或判斷載入宏的信任層級。相反地,Outlook 2007 會使用新的 AdminSecurityMode 登錄項目來判斷安全策略。登入AdminSecurityMode 專案會使用下列組態:金鑰:HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\...