At the top of the page, select Settings > Mail >Layout. Under Message organization, choose either of the options depending on whether you want to show email grouped by conversation or as individual message. If you select Show email grouped by conversation, under Arran...
mailBody=mailBody + "span.EmailStyle16 {mso-style-type:personal-compose; font-family:Arial; color:windowtext;}" mailBody=mailBody + "@page Section1 {size:595.3pt 841.9pt; margin:72.0pt 90.0pt 72.0pt 90.0pt; layout-grid:15.6pt;}" mailBody=mailBody + "div.Section1 {page:Section1;}" ...
View messages grouped by conversation in new Outlook At the top of the page, selectSettings >Mail>Layout. UnderMessage organization, choose either of the options depending on whether you want to show email grouped by conversation or as individual message. If you selectShow email grouped ...
Outlook is a tool to help you manage your email messages, calendar, contacts, and tasks. As such, it’s at the center of not only your communications but also your time-management. To get the most out of Outlook, we suggest a few basic principles: ...
My Day panel appears when you click the My Day icon in the top right row of icons in the Outlook for the web page in your browser. Message reminders Message reminders are another way to stay on top of your email. When this feature is on, you'll see ...
Outlook Blog Welcome to the Outlook Blog! Learn best practices, news, and trends and directly from the Outlook team. Blog Post
I'm having a similar problem in Office 365 Outlook webmail. The navigation bar used to be small and on the bottom of the screen - now it is on the left and taking up too much screen space. There is virtually no wiggle-room to change the width of the Folder menu, email sec...
SenderEmailType Renvoie une chaîne (chaîne en C#) qui représente le type d’entrée pour l’adresse de messagerie de l’expéditeur de l’élément Outlook, telle que « SMTP » pour l’adresse Internet, « EX » pour une adresse de serveur Microsoft Exchange, etc. En lecture...
Or change the orientation or page layout to make better use of your chosen paper size. Or add some custom text to the header or footer so your printed emails can be returned if ever you lose them.Whatever you do, try to reduce the amount of paper and ink you use to print email. ...