使用Outlook 2019 答复或转发电子邮件时,在电子邮件正文中,发件人电子邮件地址可能为空,仅显示 < >。 此问题始于 Outlook 2019 内部版本 10385.20027,POP 或 IMAP 帐户可能会出现此问题。 状态:已修复 此问题已在 2022 年 7 月 12 日发布的 10388.20004 中修复。
New Outlook doesn't show my name in sent emails, only my email address (IMAP account) Hello all, Just that problem. When I send emails through the new outlook the recipient sees my email address where it should be my name in the sender field. This is an IMAP a...
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對於某些收到的電子郵件,發件人的姓名(而不是電子郵件地址)顯示在郵件列表中。 如果要查看發件人的電子郵件地址,則需要打開電子郵件或打開“閱讀窗格”進行檢查。 在這裡,我們提供了兩種方法供您快速查看Internet標頭信息中的發件人的電子郵件地址,而無需在Outlook中打開它。
An Outlook event organizer's email is not always the user principal name Using Graph API, we fetch a certain Outlook event. The event includes, among other details, the organizer information in the following format: "organizer": { "emailAddress": { "address": "myroom@email.com", … Mic...
Could not be updated - Room Calendar Create a rule where the sender's email 'contains' text Create deadlines in outlook calendar and send them to your colleagues Create Mail Rules to allow forwarded email to be directed to one specific folder Create new mail item in draft folder automatically...
Unread folder showing emails that have been read. Hello, I need some help with clearing read emails which appear in my unread email folder. This is on the windows desktop version not the web version. I have emails in my unread folder which have been openned and marked as read. If i ri...
{"__typename":"ForumTopicMessage","uid":1390413,"subject":"Can't see sender email address (Outlook web)","id":"message:1390413","revisionNum":5,"author":{"__ref":"User:user:605842"},"depth":0,"hasGivenKudo":false,"board":{"__ref":"Forum:board:OutlookGeneral"},"conversation":...
();// load environment settingsconstPORT:any= process.env.port || process.env.PORT ||3007;constHOSTNAME:string= process.env.host || process.env.HOSTNAME ||'http://localhost';constALLOWED_SENDER:string= process.env.ALLOWED_SENDER ||'john.doe@contoso.com';constACTION_...
If you are running anti-virus software, check for the settingInternet Email Auto ProtectorInternet Email Protection. If this setting is enabled, disable it and try sending a test message again. Add your name to your outgoing email, so that “send as” is easily identifiable. See how inOutlo...