Microsoft Exchange Server email account By default, if you are using an Exchange Server mailbox, you receive this error message if you attach one or more items to a message, and the total size of the attachments is larger than 10 MB (10,240 KB). This attachment limit is not related to...
Microsoft Exchange Server email account By default, if you are using an Exchange Server mailbox, you receive this error message if you attach one or more items to a message, and the total size of the attachments is larger than 10 MB (10,240 KB). This attachment limit is not related to...
Microsoft Exchange Server email account By default, if you are using an Exchange Server mailbox, you receive this error message if you attach one or more items to a message, and the total size of the attachments is larger than 10 MB (10,240 KB). This attachment limit is not related to...
If you are using an Exchange Server account, the 20-MB attachment limit for Internet email accounts is not used by Outlook. Instead, Outlook uses the limit that is configured on your Exchange server. To modify the setting that is used to control the size of a message that is...
The attachment was about 8 MB in size. I deleted these but it had no effect on the frequency of the error message appearing.The way the error is worded would make one believe it is a problem with that user's mailbox size but clearly that is not the issue. Can anyone give any ...
If your email is stored on an email server such as Exchange, when your mailbox reaches its upper limit your administrator might start limiting functionality. For example, at 90 MB you might get a warning, at 100 MB you might be unable to send email, and at 110 MB you might be unable...
显示名称255 个字符EmailAddressDetails.displayName属性 Recipients对象 Item.requiredAttendees属性 Item.optionalAttendees属性 Item.to属性 Item.cc属性约会或邮件中显示名称的长度限制。 设置主题255 个字符DisplayedSubject.setAsync(预览) Mailbox.displayNewAppointmentForm方法 ...
Outlook: A family of Microsoft email and calendar products. Management: The act or process of organizing, handling, directing or controlling something.
A given email message can contain one or more file attachments, and you may want to limit the total attachment size in email messages that you send. The sample code in this topic demonstrates how you can handle the ItemSend event in an Outlook add-in, and in the event handler, c...
When you’re trying to send a file attachment in Outlook, you have two deal with two file attachment limits: the max limit enforced by your recipient’s mail server and the max attachment limit enforced by Outlook. Outlook limits you to maximum 20 Mb per email attachments (no matter if it...