Therefore, the Outlook certificate error happens, and your email services are disrupted. It is recommended that you use the hosting company's domain name as your mail server. Solution 5: Make Changes In The Outgoing SMTP Port Because of spamming, some Internet Service Providers block the SMTP ...
0x800C0131 0x800C013E Maybe the Folders.dbx file property is wrong or corrupted 0x800CCC00 Authentication (Authentication) is not loaded 0x800CCC01 Authentication (Certificate) content error 0x800CCC02 Authentication date error 0x800CCC03 Users are online 0x800CCC05 Not online to server 0x800...
在您進行修改之前,請先備份登錄,做為還原之用,以免發生問題。 若要解決此問題,建議您使用具有 AES256 加密功能或更高功能的憑證來加密訊息。 如果您必須使用 3DES 加密演算法,您可以在寄件者的電腦上新增下列登入值: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Outlook\Security DWORD =UseAlterna...
键FailAllCertificateErrors 数据类型布尔值 可能的值false(默认值) true 需要配置文件否 可用性16.94 Comments如果存在安全证书错误,此密钥将取消所有证书警报并阻止连接。 如果用户尝试使用基本身份验证,则阻止对邮箱的访问 如果使用基本身份验证,则阻止用户连接到邮箱。
0x800CCC01 认证(Certificate)内容错误0x800CCC02 认证日期错误0x800CCC03 使用者已联机0x800CCC05 未联机到服务器0x800CCC0A 邮线下载未完成0x800CCC0B 服务器忙碌中0x800CCC0D 找不到主机(检查你的SMTP服务器是不是设错,亦可能是对方Server 的问题,例如 Mail Server 没有开机、对方的DNS 服务器死掉了等等...
Allow users to decrypt and encrypt S/MIME messages when the S/MIME certificate doesn't match the email address.Expand table CategoryDetails Domain Key AllowCertsWithoutMatchingEmailAddress Data Type Boolean Possible values false (default) true Requires Configuration Profile No ...
“The server you are connected to is using a security certificate that cannot be verified. The target principal name is incorrect. Do you want to continue using this server?” This error isnot fatal. If you choose “Yes”, th...
When Microsoft Outlook tries to connect to a server by using a remote procedure call (RPC) connection or a secure HTTP (HTTPS) connection, you receive one of the following error messages: Error message 1 The...
outlook错误列表(Outlookerrorlist) MyunithadthesameLANrouterInternetrecently,equipment upgrades,workstationcomputerupdates,afterbutfoundafew computerwhensendinge-mailalwayspromptsthefollowingerror message:yourserverunexpectedlyterminatedtheconnection. Thepossiblecausesincludeservererrors,networkerrors,or inactivityforalong...
Hi all, not sure if anyone has experienced it, but we are getting tthis error multiple times a day when using outlook.It says...