Note:If the steps under thisNew Outlooktab aren't working for you, you may not be using new Outlook for Windows yet. Select theClassic Outlooktab and follow those steps instead. Forward a meeting when you're not the organizer You can forward a meeting that you've been invited to by som...
Set xCurrentItem = Outlook.ActiveInspector.CurrentItem xCurrentItem.Actions("Forward").Enabled = False MsgBox "Forwarding current meeting has been disabled. Any meeting attendee is prevented from forwarding this meeting." End Sub Sub ItemEnableForwarding() Dim xCurrentItem As Object Set xCurrentItem...
一般而言,點擊即可轉發會議邀請會議>向前在Outlook中。 但是,它將通過這種方式自動將通知發送給會議組織者。 在這裡,本文將介紹一種將會議轉發為普通電子郵件的方法,而無需在Outlook中通知會議組織者。 通過電子郵件轉發會議,而無需在Outlook中通知會議組織者 ...
如果要邀请某人参加你尚未组织的会议,可以将会议转发给他们。 当收件人收到会议请求时,它似乎来自会议组织者,会议组织者会收到你转发会议的通知。 为正在使用的 Outlook 版本选择以下选项卡选项。我的 Outlook 是哪个版本? 新版Outlook经典 Outlook
Turn off meeting forward notifications in Outlook To turn off the meeting forward notifications in Outlook, please do as follows: 1. Select any email or folder of your Exchange account in Outlook, clickFile>Info, and then click the hyperlink besides theAccount Settingsbutton to open your Outlook...
Forward meeting invite that is in your email in Outlook For forwarding meeting invite that is in your email, please do as follows. 1. Shift to the Mail view, and double click to open the meeting request email. 2. In the opened meeting window, please click Respond > Forward under ...
ForceOSTPath not fully working bug? Office 2016 Forward a meeting request BCC grayed out. Outlook 2010. Forward multiple e-mails in the web version of Outlook Forwarded emails disappear from inbox forwarding a meeting invitation in Outlook issue - who gets the forwarded message? Forwarding an ema...
執行專案的 Forward 動作,並以 MeetingItem 物件傳回產生的複本。語法expression。 Forward表達 代表MeetingItem 物件的 變數。傳回值代表新會議項目的 MeetingItem 物件。另請參閱MeetingItem 物件支援和意見反應有關於 Office VBA 或這份文件的問題或意見反應嗎? 如需取得支援服務並提供意見反應的相關指導,請參閱 ...
当用户为项目(父对象的一个实例)选择 "转发" 动作时发生,或在为项目(父对象的一个实例)调用 Forward 方法时发生。语法expression。 Forward( _Forward_ , _Cancel_ )表达 一个代表 MeetingItem 对象的变量。参数展开表 名称必需/可选数据类型说明 Forward 必需 对象 正在转发的新项目。 Cancel 必需 Boolean (...
例如,您将会议邀请发送给Outlook中的多个与会者,而其中一位与会者将会议邀请转发给另一个人。 在这种情况下,您的会议所有者/组织者将收到会议转发通知,如下图所示。 在某些情况下会很烦。 那么如何关闭它呢? 本教程将指导您逐步关闭会议转发通知。