olContactPhoneHome28第二支住宅電話號碼 olContactPhoneHomeFax9住宅傳真號碼 olContactPhoneISDN10整合式服務數位網路 (ISDN) 電話號碼 olContactPhoneMobile11行動電話號碼 olContactPhoneOther12其他電話號碼 olContactPhoneOtherFax13其他傳真號碼 olContactPhonePager14呼叫器號碼 ...
Contact Outlook Customer Service. Find Outlook Customer Support, Phone Number, Email Address, Customer Care Returns Fax, 800 Number, Chat and Outlook FAQ. Speak with Customer Service, Call Tech Support, Get Online Help for Account Login.
为包含在 ContactItem 对象中的指定电话号码显示 "检查电话号码" 对话框。语法expression。 ShowCheckPhoneDialog( _PhoneNumber_ )表达 返回ContactItem 对象的表达式。参数展开表 名称必需/可选数据类型说明 PhoneNumber 必需 OlContactPhoneNumber 要检查的电话号码的类型。
If you're looking for the Microsoft Outlook Support contact number. Then this is the best phone number 1855-874-6888 to the Microsoft Outlook customer service. We have sourced this number to save your time searching over the internet for the Microsoft Ou
The only way I can resolve this is to save the number on the phone as a new contact. That creates a new record (somewhere) and in future, the contact name does appear when a phone call comes from or is made to the person. But this implies having to recreate ALL my Outlook contac...
Assume that you try to call an Outlook contact by searching the contact in Microsoft Skype for Business. When you right-click the contact object and then select theCalloption, the contact's phone number isn't displayed. This issue occurs intermit...
Manager Manager string The name of the contact's manager Home phones HomePhones True array of string The contact's home phone numbers Business phones BusinessPhones array of string The contact's business phone numbers Mobile phone MobilePhone1 string The contact's mobile phone number Street...
项:HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Common\ContactCard备注 \Policies必须使用注册表中的配置单元。字符串:TurnOnContactTabLabelReplace# 值:要替换联系人卡片中显示的默认文本的任何文本。DWORD:TurnOnContactTabMAPIReplace# 值:对应于 AD DS 中某个属性的 MAPI 值的十六进制值...
项:HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Common\ContactCard备注 \Policies必须使用注册表中的配置单元。字符串:TurnOnContactTabLabelReplace# 值:要替换联系人卡片中显示的默认文本的任何文本。DWORD:TurnOnContactTabMAPIReplace# 值:对应于 AD DS 中某个属性的 MAPI 值的十六进制值。 有关...
Mail Folders will be displayed in left panel of the software. here you can select/ unselect folders from you want to extract Contact Numbers/FAX Numbers. Click on "Start Extracting Numbers" button, this populate all extracted numbers from selected Email Folders. ...