步2:启动该工具后,您将获得三个选项来定位您的 PST 文件并根据您的要求进行选择。 Open PST File– 如果您知道 Outlook PST 文件的存储位置。 Find PST File– 如果要在特定驱动器中搜索 PST 文件的位置。 Select Outlook Profile– 如果您想选择任何特定的 Outlook 配置文件来修复损坏的 PST 文件(如果您有很多...
When the Send/Receive process fails in Outlook, a common reason is the "Outlook data file cannot be accessed" error. The error may occur because an Outlook .pst file has been moved from one disk location to another, and it may occur if the Outlook profile has become...
ChooseFileand then open theAccount Settingsdialog box. On theEmailtab, select the problematic account, and take note of what it says in theTypecolumn. If the type isPOP/SMTP, use the first procedure below to try to fix the error. If the type is IMAP, use the seco...
登录Outlook.com、Hotmail.com、MSN.com 或 Live.com 帐户。下载免费的桌面和移动应用,在一个位置关联你的所有电子邮件帐户(包括 Gmail、Yahoo 和 iCloud)。
右键单击 "Outlook.exe /safe" >> 点击 "Open" 注意: 在处理是否要求提供帐户凭据时,请输入您的密码并选择 "Accept." 如果Outlook在没有收到错误的情况下工作,则无法在安全模式下打开Microsoft Outlook,它理解加载项存在问题. 禁用加载项 打开Outlook, File >> Option >> add ins ...
Open the file with the Text Recovery converter. (C:\Users...\test.docx)Microsoft Excel cannot open or save any more documents because there is not enough available memory or disk space. To make more memory available, close workbooks or programs you no longer need. To free disk...
When you can’t start MS Outlook and see the “Outlook data file cannot be configured in Windows” error, it’s related to your PST file. Here’s how to fix it:Exit Outlook. Browse to C:/Program Files or C:/Program Files (×86). In the search box, type “scanpst.exe.” Open ...
Open PST File– 如果您知道 Outlook PST 文件的存储位置。 Find PST File– 如果要在特定驱动器中搜索 PST 文件的位置。 Select Outlook Profile– 如果您想选择任何特定的 Outlook 配置文件来修复损坏的 PST 文件(如果您有很多文件)。 步3:在修复过程之后浏览目标位置以存储 Outlook PST 文件。
In Microsoft Outlook 2016, Outlook 2019, and Outlook for Microsoft 365, when you double-click an attachment to open it, the file does not open. However, you can right-click the attachment and then selectOpento open it. Cause This issue may occur when the setting for the double-click ...
Part 1: Causes of "Outlook Data File Cannot Be Configured" Error? Part 2: How to Resolve Outlook Error "Data File Cannot Be Configured"? Causes of "Outlook Data File Cannot Be Configured" Error? Before understanding the solutions to fix the error – "your outlook data file cannot be confi...