除了查看忙/閒信息的權限外,您還需要將約會標記為忙,忙或其他。 本文將指導您在Microsoft Outlook中將日曆中的約會顯示為忙,閒,暫定或不在辦公室。 以下步驟將指導您將約會顯示為忙碌,空閒,暫定或不在辦公室。 步驟1:建立新約會: 在Outlook 2010和2013中,請點擊新產品>聯繫我們首頁標籤; 在Outlook 207中,請點...
Outlook:将日历显示为忙碌,空闲,暂定和不在办公室 作为Microsoft Outlook中的交换用户,您可以设置其他人查看忙/闲信息的权限在您的日历中。 因此,其他用户可以腾出空闲时间来参加小组会议,例如会议。 除了查看忙/闲信息的权限外,您还需要将约会标记为忙,忙或其他。 本文将指导您在Microsoft Outlook中将日历中的约会显...
Hi, user has editor access to another user's calendar yet only free/busy information is showing. The primary user's profile also has a second exchange account on it. Thought this account might be limiting things so gave it editor access as well. Still, only busy information is shown on ...
Outlook 无法打开该文件夹。 你没有打开此文件夹的权限。 请联系 <user_name> 获取权限。 原因 当用户的“日历”文件夹权限级别设置为“闲/忙”时,Outlook for Mac无法打开其他用户的日历。 此功能仅在 Outlook 2010 和 Outlook 2013 for Windows 中可用。
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Outlook\Options\Calendar\ShowLegacySharingUX REG_DWORD 1 如果未選取 [ 在位置發佈 ] 核取方塊,請選取它。 這可讓選項在下一個步驟中啟用,以設定要發佈的月數。 在[發佈行事 曆空閒/忙碌月份] 資訊方塊中 <> 輸入您想要的月數。 如果[ 在位...
Outlook: Show calendar as busy, free, tentative, and out of office As an exchange user in Microsoft Outlook, you canset permission for others to view the Free/Busy informationin your calendar. Therefore, other users can pick up free time for group schedules, such as meeting. Apart from the...
The calendar sharing setting "availability only" that we have orgwide doesn't apply in Outlook (classic app). Error when viewing said calendars and the scheduling assistant is greyed out. In Outlook web you can view said calendars and free/busy works as intended. But if you us...
getSchedule returns two schedule items that match existing events in Alex' default calendar, showing the start and end times of each event and its free/busy status. You can assume Alex is free for the remaining time in that date/time range....
在Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 和 Exchange Server 2013 共存环境中,Outlook 客户端可能无法设置外出或查看忙/闲信息。 具体而言,客户端可能会遇到以下症状: 尝试安排会议时,不会显示与会者的忙/闲时间。 仅显示与会者的哈希标记。 尝试设置外出时,与会者可能会收到以下错误消息: ...
and if the delegate views or accepts a meeting request on your behalf before you view the request, theSchedulingAssistanttab in the meeting item that is created in your calendar displays only the meeting organizer's free/busy information. The free/busy information for all the other mee...