缓存Exchange 模式和共享文件夹 共享文件夹包括 Exchange 公用文件夹、SharePoint 文件夹或您使用代理访问时其他人的 Exchange 文件夹。 默认情况下,打开缓存 Exchange 模式时,共享文件夹的本地副本会下载到您的计算机上。 要更改打开缓存 Exchange 模式时是否下载共享文件夹或公用文件夹,请执行下列操作: 单击“文件” ...
如果用户从早期版本的 Outlook 升级到 Outlook 2016并且你以前配置了 Outlook for Cached Exchange 模式,则会自动应用这些旧的缓存 Exchange 模式设置,包括共享邮箱的新同步控件。 新 .ost 文件或 OAB 文件的默认位置为:%userprofile%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Outlook\脱机通讯簿。 作为管理员,可以为组织中还没有....
配置缓存 Exchange 模式 See Also 更新时间: 2012年10月 适用于:Office 2010 上一次修改主题:2016-11-29 本文介绍如何为 Microsoft Outlook 2010 中的 Microsoft Exchange Server 电子邮件帐户配置缓存 Exchange 模式。 本文内容: 概述 开始之前 配置缓存 Exchange 模式 ...
假设你有一个配置文件,该配置文件是在 Microsoft Outlook 2010 或更高版本的缓存 Exchange 模式下配置的。 如果将其他用户的共享邮箱或共享文件夹添加到配置文件,则默认情况下,你有权访问的共享邮箱中的所有文件夹都会下载到本地缓存。 这是 Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 中的一项更改,其中默认情况下仅缓存来自共享...
If you do not specify a different .ost file location, Outlook creates an .ost file in the default location when users start Outlook in Cached Exchange Mode."Mail to keep offline" settingThe Mail to keep offline slider in the Server Settings dialog box in Outlook 2016 has been updated to ...
In the OCT for Outlook 2013 and later versions, the setting that controls caching for all shared folders is namedDownload shared non-mail folders. It is located underModify user settings> your version of Microsoft Outlook >Account Settings>Exchange>Cached Exchange Mode. ...
Including policies in the same GPO as the Cached Exchange Mode settings. "Use Cached Exchange Mode" remains un-ticked, and the slider is always set to "All". When i tick the box it doesn't enable the slider. I've been working on this for two days straight. I've been deleting the ...
If you change the "Mail to keep offline" setting for everyone in the organization with the mentioned "Cached Exchange Mode Sync Settings" policy setting, users will lose the ability to adjust it afterwards, this is how Group Policy works....
To customize Cached Exchange Mode options, open the Group Policy Management Console (GPMC) and in the tree view expandDomainsand then expandGroup Policy Objects. Right-click the policy object you want and clickEdit. The Group Policy Management Editor window opens. ...
In Intune go to Devices > Windows >Configuration Profiles > create a new policy > set profile type: Settings catalog > when you add setting search for 'cached Exchange mode' (see attached screenshot). You can use 'Use Cached Exchange Mode for new and existing Outlook profiles (User)'...