If you don't use an Exchange Server account, there is an advanced procedure that you can use to unblock some file types. This procedure involves editing the registry in Windows. For more information about unblocking attachment file types, seethe Microsoft Support article about blocked attachments ...
Whenever Outlook blocks any attachment that you receive via email, you won’t be able to download the blocked attachment in Outlook. Other than that, Outlook will also not allow you to open or work with the attachment by any means. You have to first find out a safe way to get Outlook ...
Method 3. Exclude Attachment's file type from Outlook blocked file types. * Important:Before you go any further, make sure you know what you are doing. Unblocking and opening a really unsafe attachment can damage your computer. By default Outlook blocks many extensions that consider malicious. ...
2. In the Options dialog box, go to the Others tab, type the extension names of blocked attachments into the Safe Attachment Extensions box, and click the OK button. See screenshot above: Note: For unblocking several types of attachments, please separate these extension names with semicolon,...
Unblock attachment types that are blocked by default. Download OutlookTools is a free tool; You can use it without paying anything. However, if you feel a donation would be a nice way to support OutlookTools and its future development, it will be very much appreciated. ...
To unblock JavaScript, VBScript, and exe files, enter: .js;.vbs;.exe Click OK to save the value then exit regedit. 5. Restart Outlook The attachment should be magically unblocked. Try rebooting if that’s not the case. Microsoft provide auseful support pagewith alternative options and config...
AttachmentSecurity for Microsoft Outlook solves this problem by presenting an easy-to-use interface that allows you to select precisely which file attachment types you want to block or unblock from within Outlook. Because AttachmentSecurity is a Microsoft Outlook addin, you control it directly from ...
如果您在Outlook中收到了一些帶有擴展名是msi,exe等的附件的電子郵件,則會收到警告消息“Outlook阻止訪問以下可能不安全的附件”,如下所示打開按摩時的屏幕截圖。 默認情況下,Outlook會將這些類型的附件視為不安全信息。 但是,如何將這些附件類型設置為安全文件並在Outlook中輕鬆查看或下載?
Also there is no easy way tounblock those extensionand you have to mess with registry to do so. Here is an excellent toolOutlook Attachment Enablertoblock and unblock extensionson Microsoft Outlook 2010, 2007, 2003 & Office Xp. Features of Outlook Attachment Enabler ...
A user complained that Outlook was blocking access to a Word document attachment he sent to a Task using Word's Create Outlook Task command. I'm receiving this message in Outlook when opening a task created by Microsoft Word: "Outlook blocked access to the following potentially unsafe attachmen...