Download the Outlook mobile app for iOS or Android to access your email, calendar, and contacts from your smartphone or tablet on the go.
选择并按住 (或右键单击“)DisableOutlookMobileHyperlink”,然后选择“修改”。 在“值数据”框中,键入1,然后选择“确定”。 退出注册表编辑器。 方法2 可以在本地组策略 编辑器中删除此选项。 为此,请将“禁用 Outlook 移动超链接”设置为“已启用”,如下所示: ...
Download the Outlook mobile app for iOS or Android to access your email, calendar, and contacts from your smartphone or tablet on the go.
using Outlook for iOS and Android as the only email app for end users, they can configure a conditional access policy that blocks other mobile access methods. Outlook for iOS 和 Android 通过Microsoft Entra标识对象进行身份验证,然后连接到Exchange Online。
They mimic the security features that Exchange provides for mobile devices, including: Requiring a PIN for access (which includes Select Type, PIN length, Allow Simple PIN, Allow fingerprint) Encrypting app data Blocking managed apps from running on "jailbroken"...
登录、、 或 帐户。下载免费的桌面和移动应用,在一个位置关联你的所有电子邮件帐户(包括 Gmail、Yahoo 和 iCloud)。
They mimic the security features that Exchange provides for mobile devices, including: Requiring a PIN for access (which includes Select Type, PIN length, Allow Simple PIN, Allow fingerprint) Encrypting app data Blocking managed apps from running on "jailbroken" and rooted devices ...
Outlook lets you bring all your email accounts and calendars in one convenient spot. Whether it’s staying on top of your inbox or scheduling the next big thing,…
Outlook in a mobile browser as a Progressive Web App Progressive Web Apps (PWA) are enhancing web applications and we are committed to delivering an awesome PWA experience through Outlook. As a PWA, Outlook will look and feel like a native app and bring you some of the rich functionality t...
For step-by-step instructions, choose the apps you want to set up on iOS Note: On an iPad Pro? The Office app is ready for the iPad Pro. You can now download a single Office mobile app (which combines Word, Excel, and PowerPoint) from the App store. Also ...