The language setting determines the language of the Microsoft Office Outlook Web App sign-in page and error messages. It can be changed by the user at any time. You can use Outlook Web App or the Microsoft to configure language settings for Outlook Web App. ...
Trong Outlook mới, nhấn phímTabhoặcShift+Tabcho đến khi bạn nghe thấy "Settings button" (Nút Cài đặt),rồi nhấn Enterđể mởngăn Càiđặt. Nhấn phímTab cho đến khibạn nghe thấy "Search settings, edit" (Cài đặ... Outlook 支援自定義視覺主題。 設定為未設定時,預設應用程式設定會設定為 [開啟]。 實值類型:布爾值 接受的值:true、false 如果未指定,則為預設值:true 必要:否 範例:false 受控裝置、... 此新应用配置策略隐藏“打开链接”的设置页面。 托管设备 此键指定要用于发送和接收邮件的电子邮件地址。 值类型:字符串 接受的值:Email地址 如果未...
You can configure the default language and character settings for an Outlook Web App virtual directory. Configure Language Settings for Outlook Web App Configure Gzip compression settings Gzip enables data compression. By using Gzip, you can improve performance for users who are using Outlook Web App...
To change your translation preferences and choose your translation language: On theViewtab, select View settings. SelectMail, thenMessage handling. UnderTranslation, select the options you prefer. Important:If you don't have Translation under Message handling, you may need to enableConnected experience...
Set-ActiveSyncOrganizationSettings-DefaultAccessLevelBlock 备注 该命令可能会影响用户使用移动设备连接到本地 Exchange。 Create an Intune app protection policy 启用混合新式身份验证后,所有本地移动用户都可以使用 Outlook for iOS 和 Android Microsoft 365 或基于 Office 365 的体系结构。 Therefore, it's importa...
登录、、 或 帐户。下载免费的桌面和移动应用,在一个位置关联你的所有电子邮件帐户(包括 Gmail、Yahoo 和 iCloud)。
How do I change the language for Inbox and Outbox in Outlook2010? How do I change the password that connects my Outlook for iPhone app with my Exchange server? How do I create a rule based on an exact match exact string instead of contains How do I enlarge the Outlook window for "New...
If your scenarios include showing social network information or updates in Outlook, you should use the OSC provider extensibility to create a COM-visible DLL. You can do this in either a managed or unmanaged language. If you are interested in plugging in a third-party weather data service to...