enemies. The very word “Assyria” struck terror in the hearts of world. Israel‟s history touched the Assyrians during the reign of Tiglath-pileser III (Pul) who reigned from 745 to 727 BC. Date King of Israel King of Judah King of Assyria 790 Uzziah 753 Zechariah 752 Shall...
The stoning of Zechariah (17-22) God sends Syrians to punish Joash (23-27) 25 Amaziah of Judah and Joash of Israel (1-20) 26 God strikes Uzziah with leprosy (for burning incense without a license) (1-23) 27 King Jotham of Judah (1-9) 28 King Ahaz of Judah (1-27) 29 Hezekia...