Keep in mind that some topics only make sense if they come after other topics. Before presenting new findings or revelations, you may want to add background or contextual information first. All other factors being equal, a chronological sequence is often the most logical structure. 5Create the ...
Think about the most intense turning points in your life. These have changed not only the outer course of your life but the inner course as well by developing your philosophy or identity. Readers want a story to matter to the writer, or it won’t matter to them. For this reason it is...
Thesisstatement:Fromthecombinationoftheultimateexpressionofromanticism,themoderninterpretationofCinderellamodeandtheinnovationandtranscendenceofthetraditionalgothicliterature,TwilightSagawinsitsnotablepopularity.Sample Topic:美国误读伊斯兰国家为恐怖主义代名词之原因探析 Thesisstatement:DuetoAmericanstrategicsignificanceonMiddleEast...
分享801 x战警吧 变种失控😁 【译自《帝国杂志》】导演曼高德告诉我们有关《罗根》的11件事作者:John Nugent 翻译:诅咒假面的微笑 源: 译者水平有限,请多包涵,欢迎捉虫。只为分享交流,请勿盗用转载及用于营利性目的,侵权删。 分享331 assignmen...