This explains the formation of the Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland as a separate institution in 1921, when it took over the map series which until that time had been part of the Ordnance Survey (U. K.) responsibility. As happened with many mapping organisations, replanning and ...
This led to (a) today's Northern Ireland, and (b) the need for us Cromwells to travel to Ireland only under assumed names. To this day, many people of Irish descent feel that everyone named Cromwell is personally responsible for events of 1652, to judge from the mail I get. Note...
Volunteering makes all our lives better – it is in all our interests to embed a robust culture of volunteering in Northern Ireland. This strategy will play a significant part in achieving that aim. Now is the time for everyone to come together, to "join in, get involved and build a bett...
[...]of the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, in Bristol, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, at whichanoutlineforjoint workonthe situationofpersons with disabilities deprived of liberty was drawn up. ...
LODLetter of Delegation LODLeague of Draven(gaming) LODLinked Open Data(Semantic Web) LODLevel of Detection LODLearning on Demand(education and training) LODLoss Of Data LODLords of Dogtown(movie) LODLetter of Destruction LODLightning on Demand(Brisbane, CA) ...
Which of these is it? Oman France England Romania bgblue/DigitalVision Vectors/Getty Images One of the smaller European countries is seen here. What is it called? Ireland Poland Scotland Niger bgblue/DigitalVision Vectors/Getty Images The country seen here is known for its ...
Vector Maps of Norway Maps of Norway Norway - FlagNO-EPS-02-6001 Norway - SketchNO-EPS-02-7001 Norway - Single ColorNO-EPS-01-0001 Norway with CountiesNO-EPS-02-0002 Vector Maps of Europe Maps of Europe United Kingdom - OutlineGB-EPS-01-1001 Northern Ireland - BlueGB-NI-...
Sources of Law The Historical Background to the English Legal System The United Kingdom The United Kingdom (UK) is divided into four regions: England‚ Wales‚ Scotland and Northern Ireland. Each of these regions can be thought of as a country. However‚ the UK is one state not a...
(In other words, exactly what instances of the general phenomenon are you going to study. If your question is about voting behavior, for example, which elections, which voters, etc. and why . If your question is about the conflict and peace process in Northern Ireland, exactly what time ...
(N = 82 cases and 429 controls) and United Kingdom and Ireland (N = 48 cases and 10,743 controls)44,45,46,47. All cases had documented immunization with Pandemrix®. All cases had narcolepsy with clear-cut cataplexy and wereDQB1*06:02positive or had narcolepsy with ...