读过 在读 想读 我来写短评 热门 还没人写过短评呢 << 首页 < 前页 后页> > The Outline of Cape Cod... 作者: Davis, William Morris 页数: 38 isbn: 1278472908 书名: The Outline of Cape Cod...© 2005-2024 douban.com, all rights reserved 北京豆网科技有限公司 关于豆瓣 · 在豆瓣...
themfarnorthandtheylandedinNewEnglandonCapeCod.Believingthemselves outsidethejurisdictionofanyorganizedgovernment,themendraftedaformal agreementtoabidebyjustandequallawsdraftedbyleadersoftheirown choosing.ThiswastheMayflowerCompact. InDecembertheMayflowerreachedPlymouthharbor;thePilgrimsbegantobuild theirsettlementduring...
A storm sent them far north and they landed in New England on Cape Cod. Believing themselves outside the jurisdiction of any organized government, the men drafted a formal agreement to abide by "just and equal laws" drafted by leaders of their own choosing. This was the Mayflower Compact....
21、ny, and a group of 101 men, women and children set out for Virginia on board the Mayflower. A storm sent them far north and they landed in New England on Cape Cod. Believing themselves outside the jurisdiction of any organized government, the men drafted a formal agreement to abide...
In 1620, a group of Leyden Puritans secured a land patent from the Virginia Company, and a group of 101 men, women and children set out for Virginia on board the Mayflower. A storm sent them far north and they landed in NewEngland on Cape Cod. Believing themselves outside the ...
An Outline of American History (1990) Chapter One: The Colonial Period 1. The colonial period: introduction Heaven and earth never agreed better to frame a place for man . habitation. John Smith Founder of the Colony of Virginia, 1607 The early 1600s saw the beginning of a great tide of...
In 1620, a group of Leyden Puritans secured a land patent from the Virginia Company. Numbering 101, they set out for Virginia on the Mayflower. A storm sent them far north and they landed in New England on Cape Cod. Believing themselves outside the jurisdiction of any organized government,...