4 独行侠的最佳配置是盲打 轨迹越来越难,使用Rigs是必须的。一个人决定使用哪种Rigs取决于他们的游戏风格,当组队玩游戏时,有不同Rigs的队友能创建一个平衡的团队是很不错的。玩家可以选择同时选择多个Rigs,但使用Rigs最有效的方法是在选择另一个之前,先选择一个并完全升级它。对于单人玩家来说,盲人(Blind)...
《The Outlast Trials》中还有一些方法可以让你暂时击晕敌人,比如使用某些设备(Rigs)(稍后还会就此介绍更多信息)或朝敌人头部扔瓶子或砖块。 你还能朝自己周围抛掷这些物品来分散敌人注意力。 可惜你没法与敌人以正常方式正面交锋,而且你也完全无法长时间抵御它们的攻击。 因此你唯一的办法就是逃跑和躲避。 游戏关卡...
逃生试炼面具男喷毒出场离场提示警报展示The Outlast Trials Skinner Man 1572 1 01:23 App 逃生试炼搞笑片段和坑队友片段多人联机太欢乐了Outlast Trials 6376 0 04:29 App 逃生试炼主题曲TheOutlastTrialsMainTheme202211062300 3047 0 02:16 App 逃生试炼4个道具装备的教程演示封测试玩Outlast Trials Rigs 110...
There are ways for you to stun foes temporarily in The Outlast Trials, including using certain Rigs (more on these later) and throwing bottles or bricks at their heads. You can also throw these objects at your surroundings to distract opponents. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to fight ...
[ON]Launchwebexperiencewithsound[OFF]Launchwebexperiencewithsound SoundSound En / Fr Games [Open]Menu[Close]Menu March 05, 2024 The Outlast Trials Share First name Last name Email* Cookies Consent Personalizeyourexperience AcceptEverything
Once youearn enoughRelease tokens, you canhave your Reagentjoin the reborn. You have to navigate through one last trial in this mission, and after you do, your Reagent is gone and you start playing as a new one. You get to keep all of the clothing,Rigs, and other unlockables you’ve...
If the rigs don’t work, you can always throw a brick at your foes or distract them with a tossed bottle. Although they also have ways to find you with crude noise traps made of tin cans and broken glass. Most of what you’re tasked with accomplishing will be familiar to anyone who...
What are the System Requirements for The Outlast Trials? Unlike other contemporary titles, you will notice that The Outlast Trials does not require a top-of-the-line PC to run the game. This is good news for all lovers of horror games that have older gaming rigs. However, the latest ve...
The Outlast Trials – How To Cure Psychosis Agnese Carluccio Jun 29, 2023 The Outlast Trials – Best Rigs To Use In The Game Agnese Carluccio Jun 29, 2023 The Outlast Trials – How To Unlock and Use Rigs Agnese Carluccio Jun 28, 2023 The Outlast Trials – How To Slide Agnese Ca...
We spoke to Red Barrels' co-founder and game designer Philippe Morin to discuss Outlast's co-op makeover, and how fans of its past haunts will still find what they're looking for in The Outlast Trials. By Mark Delaney on May 17, 2023 at 6:14AM PDT In all my years ...