Outlast Trials is the latest game in the Outlast franchise and it has a slightly different setting to it. The Outlast Trials is not a direct sequel to the previous games but set in the same universe and the time frame here will be the middle of the Cold War. Additionally. The Outlast...
《The Outlast Trials(逃生实验)》即将在2024年3月5日同步登陆Xbox Series S/X, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5主机平台。 游戏 单机游戏 单机游戏 RedBarrels TGA playstation xbox outlastRedBarrels 发消息 Red Barrels是一家位于加拿大的游戏厂商,主要代表作《Outlast》衍生系列。www.redbarrels...
You can choose to complete the trials by yourself or you can tackle them in a team of 2, 3, or 4 players.Coop is never forced when it comes to mandatory objectives but working together can be highly beneficial.Whatever the number of players in your party, it’s about surviving and ...
The Outlast Trials - Project Lupara Update Full Reveal Trailer Project Lupara adds a new map and a new haunting villain to the co-op horror game, all in a free update on July 16, 2024. The Outlast Trials - Franco "Il Bambino" Barbi | New Villain Teaser Trailer ...
The Outlast Trials Edit Color Color Contribute to this page Suggest an edit or add missing content IMDb Answers: Help fill gaps in our data Learn more about contributing Edit page More from this title Cast & crew Release dates External sites ...
Project Geister is in full swing in The Outlast Trials! The Skinner Man is morphing and with further testing we're hoping to find out how our Reagents dreams are slipping into their terrifying reality... Gather yourselves and survive the Trials!
游戏名称:逃生:试炼 英文名称:The Outlast Trials 游戏类型:冒险解密类(AVG)游戏 游戏制作:Red ...
【联机版】PC《逃生:试炼 The Outlast Trials》中文版下载!设定在冷战时代,人类豚鼠不由自主地被 Murkoff 公司的好人招募来测试先进的洗脑和精神控制方法。在一个充满不信任、恐惧和暴力的世界里,你的道德将受到挑战,你的耐力将受到考验,你的理智将被摧毁。一切都是以进步、科学和利润的名义。
逃生:试炼Outlast TrialsThe Outlast Trials Red Barrels 2023-05-18 7.67.0 独立 中文 1想玩9在玩169玩过167已购买0在关注 列表贡献点评 简介 开发/发行 链接 Logo 资源 媒体评分7.6会员评分7.0 Red Barrels 邀你体验深入骨髓的恐怖,这次是和朋友一起。无论是独自还是组队游玩,如果能存活足够长时间并完成治疗...
The Outlast Trials: Deluxe Edition 逃生:试炼 - 豪华版The Outlast Trials: Deluxe Edition 2024-03-05 - . -- . - 简介 暂无评分- . -评论数不足- . - 红桶邀请您体验令人麻木的恐怖,这次是与朋友一起。无论你是独自经历考验还是团队合作,如果你存活足够长的时间并完成治疗,默科夫会很高兴地让你...