Progression inThe Outlast Trialsis primarily done through completing trials. Every main trial that you complete unlocks the next, as well as the MK-Challenges or alternate objectives for that map. Likewise, you gain a lot of rewards, including money, cosmetics, and experience points (XP). Later...
Progression inThe Outlast Trialsis primarily done through completing trials. Every main trial that you complete unlocks the next, as well as the MK-Challenges or alternate objectives for that map. Likewise, you gain a lot of rewards, ...
技能加速器:使用后可以立即使用技能 投掷物瓶子/砖头: 需要瞄准后才能丢出,可以投掷 敌人击晕/陷阱破坏。肾上腺素: 服用后视野会变化,此时你会获得无限耐力。视野结束时效果失效复活剂:对已经阵亡玩家使用,能使他复活。此物品必定在墙壁上的玻璃柜里开锁器: 可以开一些锁上的资源箱。成功了有奖励,失败了有惩罚...
关注《逃生:试炼》(The Outlast Trials),这款游戏将于2023年5月19日通过Steam和Epic Games Store推出PC抢先体验版. 逃生试炼还有一天就要上线了,很多朋友是不是都还摸不着头脑,不知道该哪方面下手玩这款游戏,本篇文章是小编给大家带来的游戏玩法部分说明,为那些想玩这个游戏但是不了解这个游戏的机制、玩法的朋友...
《逃生》新作《逃生:试炼》(The Outlast Trials)现已在Steam/Epic平台上线,本作目前处在EA阶段,国区售价108元,支持简中。 本作支持最多四人联机,背景设置在冷战时期,当时 Murkoff Corporation 的 "好" ...
逃生:试验TheOutlastTrials 目前《逃生:试验》已经上架了Epic,根据页面,本作将于2021年发售。 Epic页面: 本游戏背景设定在冷战时期,当时的 Murkoff Corporation 强迫招募志愿者,测试全新的洗脑和心理控制方法。这个世界充满了怀疑、恐惧和暴力...
英文名称:The Outlast Trials 游戏类型:冒险解密类(AVG)游戏 游戏制作:Red Barrels 游戏发行:Red ...
英文名称:The Outlast Trials 游戏类型:冒险解密类(AVG)游戏 游戏制作:Red Barrels 游戏发行:Red ...
Red Barrels Games has delayed horror game The Outlast Trials from 2021 to 2022. It will be available for PC via Steam and Epic Games Store.View the gameplay reveal trailer below:Here is an overview of the game:Set in the height of the Cold War era, players take on the role of test ...