The Laird of the MacKenzie clan is Colum MacKenzie (Gary Lewis), Jamie’s maternal uncle and brother to Dougal. Colum suffers from Toulouse-Lautrec Syndrome, a degenerative disease that renders his legs immobile at times, and fills his days with a great amount of pain. Unable to rule by br...
restore “bonny Prince Charlie” to the Scottish throne. (I loved the exasperated tone of Claire’s voice when she cried, “You’re a bloody Jacobite?!”) Geillis’ love for the mother land is part of why she’s so enamored of Colum’s brother: “Dougal fights for all of Scotland.”...
At last,he had made his way to the stable,and found Old Alec,Colum's Master of Horse. The old man had been fond of Ellen MacKenzie,and was kind to the son for his mother's sake,as well as his own. "'Tis the fiery cross,lad," he'd told Jamie,tossing him a currycomb and ...