美[ˈaʊtɪŋ] 英['aʊtɪŋ] n.远足;(集体)出外游玩(或学习等) v.“out”的现在分词 网络郊游;外出;旅行 复数:outings 权威英汉双解 英汉 英英 网络释义 outing 显示所有例句 n. 1. [c] ~ (to…) (集体)出外游玩(或学习等);远足a trip that you go on for pleasure or educatio...
9.outingyou was wrong for so many reasons. 公开你出柜的事不对 原因有很多 10.He hasn't invited me to any late nightoutings. 他没有邀请我参加任何深夜外出 以上参考资料就是本英汉词典详细汇总的单词outing的翻译英语含义,如有错漏请向我们提供反馈意见。
大小写变形:Outing 词态变化 复数: outings; 实用场景例句 全部 远足 郊游 散步 揭露 We went on an outing to London. 我们游览了伦敦。 牛津词典 a family outing 全家远足 牛津词典 One evening, she made a rare outing to the local discotheque. 她有天晚上破天荒地去了一次当地的迪斯科舞厅。 柯林斯高...
outing是什么意思、outing怎么读 读音:英['aʊtɪŋ] 美['aʊtɪŋ] 高中考研托福 outing 基本解释 n. 远足,郊游,短途旅行;散步 v. 伸出( out的现在分词);揭露 outing 网络释义 n. 远足;短途旅游;体育比赛 adj. 远足适用的 v. 出来;暴露(out的ing形式) ...
outing 基本解释 名词远足,郊游,短途旅行; 散步 动词伸出( out的现在分词); 揭露 outing的意思 outing 相关例句 名词 1. outing的近义词 1. I think we should postpone the outing. 我认为我们应该推迟这次郊游。 outing 网络解释 1. 郊游:与你不利;也不要吵闹,争执谁是谁非,而要等待警察来处理. 在美国,...
The outing will do me good.(这次旅行将对我有益。) We have one family meal or outing a week.(每周我们会有一次家庭聚餐或郊游。) I'll go on an outing with some friends.(我与朋友去郊游。) It's a fine day for an outing, isn't it?(—这是个出游的好日子,是不是?) Weather pe...
go for an outing to去远足 spring outing春游 go for an outing去郊游 go outing去远足,去郊游 an autumn outing秋游 outing clothn. 一种两面有短毛之棉质法兰绒布 went for an outing to去远足 相似单词 outingn. [C] 1.远足;郊游;短途旅游 2.体育比赛;划船练习;跑马练习 ...
outing (ˈaʊtɪŋ) n 1. a short outward and return journey; trip; excursion 2. informal the naming by homosexuals of other prominent homosexuals, often against their will Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, ...
the annual outing for the senior class. Synonyms:jaunt a public appearance, as by a participant in an athletic contest or event: The new player scored spectacularly in his second outing with the team. the intentional exposure of a person’s denied or secret identity, orientation, or status,...