Also, never backpedal. Backpedaling at full speed is a quick recipe for disaster. 另外 也不要倒着跑 全力倒着跑绝对会出岔子 After doing ten of these drills in each direction, add a second cone to make the drill a little harder. 在每个方向的练习各做过10次后 再放一只角锥 提升难度 Start...
接下来 在传了大概10次以后 要加上双足跳 缩小传球仰角 Because you'll be throwing from such a far distance, always make sure your arm is loose before you start any game or practice. 有鉴于要从这么远的位置传球 一定要保证自己在任何比赛或训练前胳膊都是活动开的 Now, let's review what we've...
在你掌握基础机理后 就可以跟搭档一起练习长传了 Warm up regularly with your wrist snap and one knee drills to make sure your arm is warm enough that you won't injure it. 照常热身 活动手腕 进行单膝练习 保证你的胳膊活动开来 不会受伤 Then, throw a few at a close range. 然后 在较近位置...
Also, never backpedal. Backpedaling at full speed is a quick recipe for disaster. 另外 也不要倒着跑 全力倒着跑绝对会出岔子 After doing ten of these drills in each direction, add a second cone to make the drill a little harder. 在每个方向的练习各做过10次后 再放一只角锥 提升难度 Start...
Warm up regularly with your wrist snap and one knee drills to make sure your arm is warm enough that you won't injure it. 照常热身 活动手腕 进行单膝练习 保证你的胳膊活动开来 不会受伤 Then, throw a few at a close range. 然后 在较近位置之间传几个来回 When's your arm is loose, move...