If you have a shady place on your patio that needs some color, one of the best-potted plants for shade is the New Guinea impatiens. This plant does well in a shady outdoor space or indoors as a houseplant. It blooms abundantly into the fall months if you deadhead regularly. You might...
Exposure: Full sun to partial shade Habit: Mounding spreading habit Height/Spread: 6 to 18 inches tall, 12 to 36 inches wide Grown for the silvery foliage with a soft fuzzy texture that resembles lamb’s ears, hence its common name. Native to the Mediterranean, plants grow best in full...
Shade-Loving Plants for Containers Rex begoniasare excellent foliageplants for partial shade locations. They'll add lots of color and texture, which lasts all season without the hassle of deadheading or pruning. Regular moisture is all they need to be happy. Caladiumsbring brilliant contrasting col...
Outdoor plants have to be grown in areas where they can receive partial shade during the hottest part of the day as well as get proper shelter from rain.Providing the Right Humidity and Temperature ConditionsWhile indoors, the plant grows and blooms well in normal room temperature, ranging ...
An indoor bookshelf treated with hardy paint and varnish makes a perfect outdoor spot forpotted plantsor seedlings. This graduated design allows each shelf to get enough sunlight and makes a charming visual statement. 03of 43 Add a Shade Pergola ...
Ferns are desirable foliage plants. In general, ferns that can tolerate temperatures close to freezing and below are classified as hardy ferns, while those that cannot are called tropical ferns. Cold-Loving Choices The only way to find out for sure what temperatures are safe for your potted fer...
Mosaic tile accent walls give the room a nice look and help hold the curtains in place. You can also place some green potted plants around to decorate the dining area a little better. Casual and cozy Even if you don’t have a lot of budget, you can make an outdoor dining area. All...
This planet-friendly book is filled with ideas for creating your own eco garden on any scale, from a small courtyard to a large garden or allotment. Discover organic techniques that improve biodiversity, learn the value of using recycled and reclaimed materials for landscaping, and take on simple...
1 plant flower bulb per pack. Product pictures of flowers, mature plants or accessories are shown for reference only Flower Color: bright red Flowering Season: 30-50 days from planting indoors. Spring Light Needs: partial sun or bright indirect light ...
where a potting shed and birdbath are found. Narrow seating nooks offer restful spots or can be used to add potted plants to the design. The pergola’s overhead spacing offers room enough for a flowering vine, likebougainvilleaorclimbing roses, to further enhance the cottage feel of the land...