In 1987, Kathmandu opened its first store in Melbourne. As of the end of January 2016, the company opened 163 stores. The company opened 4 new stores in the first half of fiscal year 2016, one in New Zealand and 3 in Australia. In 2003-04, Kathmandu opened its first store in the UK...
Table 3. Ranges of the thermal index physiologically equivalent temperature (PET) for different grades of thermal perception and physiological stress on human beings; internal heat production: 80 W, heat transfer resistance of the clothing: 0.9 clo [34]. Source: [78]. 2.2.3. Psychological Appr...
According to the research, the difference in skin and clothing temperatures can be used to predict thermal sensations. However, the high-cost TIR cameras and Kinect cameras used in some studies raise the cost of the equipment and reduce the method’s scalability. In fact, it would be more ...