Gert SchubringFakultät für MathematikSpringerEducational Studies in MathematicsSchubring, G. (2011). On how n and i turned out to become indices in mathematical sequences and formulae. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 77(2-3), 331-350....
MEDITERRANEAN climateSENSESWEATHERPUBLIC spacesECOLOGYTEMPERATE climateSeveral thermal indices have been proposed for quantification of various aspects of the thermal environment. Their applicability however is a methodological conundrum. The aim of the present study (part of the Biometeorological Aspect of ...
The article reports on a series of real estate indices launched by Thomson Reuters in 2012 that are designed to track exchange-traded funds (ETF) that offer investors global real estate exposure. These include the The TR/GPR 100, TR/GPR Americas 40, TR/GPR APAC 30 and TR/GPR EMEA 30. ...
Materials and Method: The research was carried out at 44 sick children at the age from 3 to 14 years with inguinal and inguinal hernias (41,7 %), hydrocele was (19,4 %) section of abscesses and suppurations were (38,9%). The duration of anesthesia benefit at 58,3 ...
3) The World Health Organization-Five scale psychological General Well-Being Schedule. 4) The Eydoi:10.1186/1475-2832-2-S1-S148A IacovidesAristotle University of ThessalonikiS KleanthousAristotle University of ThessalonikiS StefanidisAristotle University of ThessalonikiE Giannoulis...
The Indices That Spell out Growing Fear
This report also discusses the difference in portfolio characteristics which explains some of this out performance.The following few pages are a brief synopsis of some of my proprietary research from early 2009 and have been updated with results till Jan 2012. Current report only covers last 5 ...
The status of atmospheric instability indices associated with hail events throughout Moldova. The lower pressure of water vapor of the outer eastern and south eVasilic, IstrateApostol, LiviuSfc, LucianIordache, IulianFlorentina, BrccianuSocial Science Electronic Publishing...
NELUA, SMDUGABRIEL, CRACANVIRGIL, TUDOROvidius University Annals, Series Physical Education & Sport/Science, Movement & Health
Finally, a case study of the power system of warship is considered to apply and validate the proposed approach.Vaibhav BishtG. B. Pant University of Agriculture and TechnologyS. B. SinghQuality and reliability engineering international