必应词典为您提供out-of-bounds的释义,adj. 禁止入内的;不可超越的;出乎意料的;【体】界外的; adv. 到界外; 网络释义: 出界;界外球;越界;
That place is out - of - bounds. 那里是禁区,不准过去. 《现代汉英综合大词典》 They declared this area out - of - bounds. 他们宣布该地区为禁区. 《现代英汉综合大词典》 He kicked the ball out - of - bounds. 他把球踢到界外. 《现代英汉综合大词典》 For the last few days the area has...
沪江词库精选out-of-bounds是什么意思、英语单词推荐、用法及解释 英音['autəv'baundz] ; 美音['autəv'baundz] ; adj. 禁止入内的, 不得超越的 英语解释 barred to a designated group outside the foul lines 相似短语 out of bounds area禁地 ...
在Python中,当你尝试访问数组或列表中不存在的索引时,例如访问一个长度为5的列表的第6个元素,Python会抛出一个“IndexError: positional indexers are out-of-bounds”的错误。这个错误的原因是,你尝试访问的索引超出了数组或列表的实际范围。下面是一些常见的解决方法: 检查索引是否在有效范围内在访问数组或列表的...
out-of-bounds['autəv'baundz] [网页划词已开启] 英汉解释 adj. 禁止入内的;不得越过的 adv. 界外 同义词 a.off-limits 参考例句 1. The female dormitory will beout-of-boundsfor all male students, so too the male dormitory to the female students. ...
"out-of-bounds"的回归模型的定义: 预测值有可能在训练集因变量的范围以外, 比如, 创新低或者创新高. "in-bounds"的回归模型的定义: 预测值只可能在训练集因变量的范围以内, 不可能创新低或者创新高. 使用场景 1 "in-bounds"明显不适于带有趋势的时序预测, 因为未来有可能创新高或者创新低. 2 "out-of-...
Adj.1.out-of-bounds- outside the foul lines foul- (of a baseball) not hit between the foul lines 2.out-of-bounds- barred to a designated group; "that area is off-limits" off-limits restricted- subject to restriction or subjected to restriction; "of restricted importance" ...
out of bounds俚语"Out of bounds"在英语中是一个常用的俚语短语,它通常用来形容一个人或事物超出了其应有的范围或界限。 例如,如果一个人在工作中超出了其职责范围,或者一个孩子在玩耍时跑到了不应该去的地方,我们就可以说他们"out of bounds"。 这个短语也可以用来形容一个人的行为或言论超出了社会或文化的...
out-of-bounds [out-uhv-boundz] Phonetic (Standard)IPA adjective Sports.being beyond or passing the limits or boundaries of a field, course, etc., marking the area within which the ball, puck, or the like is legally in play. beyond any established boundaries or prescribed limits;forbidden;...
memory errororout-of-boundsarray access error and the target service to crash. hkcert.org hkcert.org 兩個遠端使用者可篡改單個語音信箱帳戶,並引致雙重釋放記憶體錯誤或越界錯誤及目標服務終止。 hkcert.org hkcert.org An error in Skia can be exploited to causeanout-of-boundsread. ...