指定 oob_score 参数可以简单的理解为是对样本数据的一种标记,标记取到了那些样本,没有取到那些样本。 使用实例化好的 Bagging 集成学习分类器,调用 fit 函数拟合全部样本数据。 代码语言:txt 复制 bagging_clf.fit(X, y) 如果想要查看训练好的模型的整体泛化能力,可以通过 oobscore属性查看。在 sklearn 的设计...
bagging_clf.oob_score_ 结果如下 通过bagging可以发现可以发现bagging是很容易并行化处理的,可以使用n_jobs来调节使用的核心数量(并行线路数),为了体现出变化,测试一下时间 %%timebagging_clf=BaggingClassifier(DecisionTreeClassifier(),n_estimators=500,max_samples=100,bootstrap=True,oob_score=True)bagging_clf.f...
sklearn中的RandomForestClassifier有一个参数: oob_score : bool (default=False) Whether to use out-of-bag samples to estimate the generalization accuracy. 中文叫‘袋外误差’,可以看出这个参数的意思是:使用oob来衡量test error. 关于oob的解释,stackoverflow上有比较全面的解释:OOB的解释说下自己的理解: R...
e = oobEdge(ens) e = oobEdge(ens,Name=Value) Description e= oobEdge(ens)returns theclassification edgeefor the out-of-bag data in the bagged classification ensemble modelens. example e= oobEdge(ens,Name=Value)specifies additional options using one or more name-value arguments. For example...
this interpretation enables us to extend these nonconformity scores beyond the split/inductive conformal setting that they were originally derived in. Specifically, we seamlessly derive cross-conformal, jackknife+ and OOB versions of these methods, including our new method called QOOB (pronounced cube)...
ens.ScoreTransform ="doublelogit"; For all other ensemble methods, the software does not support posterior probabilities as classification scores. You can specify your own function using function handle notation. Suppose thatnis the number of observations inX, andKis the number of distinct classes (...
L = oobLoss(ens) L = oobLoss(ens,Name=Value)Description example L = oobLoss(ens) returns the Classification loss L for the out-of-bag data in the bagged classification ensemble model ens. The interpretation of L depends on the loss function (LossFun). In general, better classifiers yield...