Validation Default Probabilities Credit Rating Basel AccordThe probability of a default determines capital requirements set by the Basel Accord. To back-test default probabilities is therefore possibly the single most idoi:10.2139/ssrn.2945931Blümke, Oliver...
In two-phase validation mode, after the commands are configured, the commit command needs to be run to commit the configurations. Save the results of each troubleshooting step so that if your troubleshooting attempts fail to correct the fault, you will have a record of your actions to present...
AudioComponentValidationParameter.TimeOut FieldReference Feedback DefinitionNamespace: AudioUnit Assembly: Xamarin.iOS.dll C# 复制 public static Foundation.NSString TimeOut; Field Value NSString Applies to 产品版本 Xamarin iOS SDK 12 本文内容 Definition Applies to ...
validationTimeout用来指定验证连接有效性的超时时间(默认是5秒,最小不能小于250毫秒),如果是没有设置connectionTestQuery的话,默认是用jdbc4规范中的connection.isValid(validationSeconds)来验证连接的有效性。 另外hikari是在borrow连接的时候校验连接的有效性,相当于tomcat jdbc pool的testOnBorrow=true doc configuratio...
> asconfigurator -x "set_central_server_data;validation_timeout,seconds" Update the status of each file as validation completes or fails: If a file passes validation, update its status to "completed": curl -X PUT -u node_user:password -d '{ "validator_id": "validator_id", "files":...
Upon data switching between subscriptions within a carrier group, if switch depends on validation result, this value defines customized value of how long we wait for validation success before we fail and revoke the switch. C# 复制 [Andro...
Microsoft driver does not time out during connection validation using JDBC4ValidConnectionChecker in JBoss EAP Solution Unverified- UpdatedDecember 25 2024 at 8:56 AM- English Issue Observing hangs during connection validation (of externally terminated connections) when using theJDBC4ValidConnectionChecker...
Due to the nature of this issue, there are a few potential causes: 1. Authentication or Directory Based failures: Delays during authentication and validation like: - Invalid Credentials - Latency - Unable to reach directory resources in timely manner. - ACC (AirWatch Cloud Connector) is out...
本文主要研究一个hikari连接池的idleTimeout及minimumIdle属性 idleTimeout 默认是600000毫秒,即10分钟。如果idleTimeout+1秒>maxLifetime 且 maxLifetime>0,则会被重置为0;如果idleTimeout!=0且小于10秒,则会被重置为10秒。如果idleTimeout=0则表示空闲的连接在连接池中永远不被移除。只有当minimumIdle小于maximum...