网络价外期权;虚值期权;价外选择权 网络释义
虚值期权(out of the money option)又称价外期权,是指不具有内涵价值的期权,即敲定价高于当时期货价格的看涨期权或敲定价低于当时期货价格的看跌期权。如果把企业的股权资本看作是一种买方期权,则标的资产即是企业的总资产,而企业的负债值可看作是期权合约上的约定价。期权的有效期即与负债的期限...
out-of-the-money option是虚值期权,是FRM考试的金融英语词汇。是指不具有内含价值的期权,即敲定价高于当时期货价格的看涨期权或敲定价低于当时期货价格的看跌期权。关于out-of-the-money option的分类有什么,下文是详细介绍! out-of-the-money option虚值期权的分类: 期权按执行价格与标的物市价的关系可分为实值期...
回复@管我财: 初步明白卖价外期权(out-of-the-money option)以赚取稳定的收入算是升维的投资 ,但也得相当小心:人们明知道卖期权不好,却还是要卖,甚至还有更糟糕的。//@管我财:回复@陈绍霞: 2020年8月的一个晚上,卡叔的账户里多了一千多块钱,看到钱的那一刻,我心里有点小激动,因为这笔钱,是辉丰转债回售...
that option. For a call option, if the underlying price is below the strike price, that option is OTM. For a put option, if the underlying price is above the strike price, then that option is OTM. An out of the money option has nointrinsic valuebut only possesses extrinsic ortime ...
Option moneyness In the money options ITM call options – lower strikes ITM put options – higher strikes How this relates to option prices Out of the money options At the money options Summary Option moneyness Moneyness is a strange sounding term, but it is sometimes used for describing the ...
Out Of The Money Options ( OTM Options ) is one of the three option moneyness states that all option traders has to be familar with before even thinking of actual option trading. The other two option status are : In The Money ( ITM ) options and At The Money ( ATM ) options. Underst...
未到价(Out of the Money)指持有者行使期权没有获利价值的状态,即标的资产的当前价格低于期权合约中约定的买入价格或高于卖出价格的情形。对于买入期权,到价是指行使价格高于相关股票的市场价格,对于出售期权,到价指行使价格低于相关股票的市场价格。基本概念 到价是指一项期权到价指该期权的行使价格相等于相关...