"Out of the box" is also used as a synonym for "off the shelf," meaning a ready-made software, hardware, or combination package that meets a need that would otherwise require a special development effort. 谢谢lc提示。
What does the saying 'Out of the box' mean? Idiom: Out of the box Meaning: Thinking out of the box is thinking in a creative way. However, it can also be used for a ready-made product that requires no specialist knowledge to set it up. ...
"Out of the box" is also used as a synonym for "off the shelf," meaning a ready-made software, hardware, or combination package that meets a need that would otherwise require a special development effort. 谢谢lc提示。
The EBOYD solution was the best option for my shop because I was able to choose a laptop of my choice and the entire solution was in my budget. Saeed Meftah – Owner,Game Spot, Dubai EBOYD Big savings with our out-of-the-box solution. ...
thinking that moves away in diverging directions so as to involve a variety of aspects and which sometimes lead to novel ideas and solutions; associated with creativity synonyms:divergent thinking see more Cite this entry Style: MLA "Out-of-the-box thinking."Vocabulary.com Dictionary,Vocabulary.com...
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The meaning of OUT OF is —used as a function word to indicate direction or movement from within to the outside of. How to use out of in a sentence.
One came out of a supermarket box, meaning it was probably harvested before it is fully grown, immediately placed in a forced-air cooling unit, loaded onto a refrigerated truck and driven hundreds of miles. By the time it reached the plate two weeks may have passed. The other strawberry ...
think outside the box Variation think out of the box out of the box thinking Meaning think differently to be creative and produce something that is not usual or boring tocome up withsomething that is unique and interesting look at the broader context of a problem, challenge etc. ...
The meaning of WORK is to perform work or fulfill duties regularly for wages or salary. How to use work in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Work.