如不采用,就需要投入专门的人力物力来开发 "Out of the box" is an expression that describes nonconformal, creative thinking. The term is used as an adverb to describe the thinking or as an adjective to describe the ideas. The term is said to derive from a famous puzzle created by early 20...
"Out of the box" is also used as a synonym for "off the shelf," meaning a ready-made software, hardware, or combination package that meets a need that would otherwise require a special development effort. 谢谢lc提示。
and in spirituality as total freedom or liberation. Out of the box thinking unleashes your creative and innovative thinking and helps you to generate new ideas and thoughts, or see the world differently from different perspectives. To
The meaning of THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX is to explore ideas that are creative and unusual and that are not limited or controlled by rules or tradition. How to use think outside the box in a sentence.
THNINKING OUTSIDE-THE-BOX. The notion 'thinking outside the box' is far more than just another management cliché. It is a very powerful concept worthy of deeper consideration in today's complex and rapidly changing world.
These Out Of The Box Prepping Tips And Ideas Could Mean The Difference Between Death And Survival With TEOTWAWKI Only One Potential Catastrophe Away By Susan Duclos -All News PipeLine When we at ANP do prepping pieces, we try to focus on preparing for an event, whether it is a major weat...
Is "think outside the box" an idiom?Question:Is an idiom?Figurative Phrase:Idioms are figurative phrases or expressions. As such, they do not take on the literal meanings of the words within such phrases. These phrases are often inspired by cultural references to various objects and situations...
In my daily life, I should try to always think out of the box and not blindly agree with the generally accepted ideas and beliefs. For example, if my friends believe that the only way to improve their English is through an academic English course, I could conduct a thought ...