The first one I did was calledThe Worst Rock Band Ever, and it ran in 2004, and generated no small amount ofonline fire. It blew up globally before we even had a settled term for web virality, and I still get hate mail from it. When that was over, I felt somewhat bad about wa...
After noticing that a Dorito looks remarkably similar to the triangle hanging in the corner of the room, Harlow decides to abandon hip-hop altogether andtryanotherangle, despite the protests ofRock & Roll Hall of FamenomineeMissy Elliott. “You’re gonna quit rap for a triangle?” she asks ...
Breakout – Swing Out Sister
5. Dregs of the Earth – Steve Morse Steve and the Dregs’ finest hour. This album stands the test of time. 6. IOU – Allan Holdsworth Pure guitar playing mastery without equal – despite the odd choice of vocals and vocalist. 7. Kind of Blue – Miles Davis See comment number 1 ...