Lemon and lime juice were both temporarily out of stock. 柠檬汁和酸橙汁暂时都缺货。 柯林斯例句 Red tights are out of stock. 红色紧身衣脱销了. 《简明英汉词典》 The blue skirts are out of stock. 这种蓝衬衫已脱销. 《简明英汉词典》
out of stock 基本解释已脱销[经] 卖完了, 无存货词组短语1、out-of-stock n.缺货;脱销 2、temporarily out of stock 暂时缺货重点词汇stock n. 股份,股票;库存;树干;家畜 adj. 常备的,存货的;陈旧的 vt. 提供货物;备有 vi. 出新芽;囤积最新更新单词: victims treehouse transcription textures stickout ...
out of stock 美 英 na.售完 网络缺货;脱销;缺货量 英汉 网络释义 na. 1. 售完,脱销,缺货 例句 释义: 全部,售完,缺货,脱销,缺货量 1. GNCAloeVera skingelcametoo,itwasoutofstockfor a while.Thistime,weorderedenoughwhenitisavailableagain.
英汉 网络释义 na. 1. 售完,脱销,缺货
解析 out of stock英[aut ɔv stɔk] 美[aʊt ʌv stɑk](商店等中)无现货的[例句]Meanwhile , thrift stores and websites are out of stock of vintage designs , the more elaborate the better.与此同时,二手货店和网店的复古风服饰也已脱销,做工越精致的服装销路越好。
解析 out of stock 英[aut ɔv stɔk] 美[aʊt ʌv stɑk] (商店等中)无现货的 [例句]Meanwhile , thrift stores and websites are out of stock of vintage designs , the more elaborate the better.与此同时,二手货店和网店的复古风服饰也已脱销,做工越精致的服装销路越好。
adv. 已脱销 英文解释 形容词: 1. not available for sale or use;例子"too many items are out of stock" 帮助 看、听、说 Getout. 你滚吧 Play Getout! 滚出去! Play And stayout! 滚出去! Play Oh, lookout! 小心,走 Play Play Play
out of stock “out of stock”的中文翻译 词典解释 美音:[ ] 英音:[ ] 1. 无现货的,无库存的 So many people have bought bikes that the store is now out of stock. 那么多人买自行车,商店现在已经没货了。 相关词语 outofstock
in stocka. 1.有库存的,有现货的 out to企图极欲 相似单词 out of stockn. 缺货,脱销 stockn. 1.[C,U] 贮存;(知识等的)蓄积 2.[C,U] 进货,库存品,存货 3.[C,U](公司的)股票,股份 4.[C,U]【英】公债,国债 5.[U] 原料,材料 6.[C, ...
The white cars are out of stock.(白色的车子已经脱销了。) But if their sales forecasting is not on the button, companies risk annoying consumers who cannot get hold of their products because they are out of stock.(但是如果零售商们的销售预测不准确,他们则会面临惹恼消费者的风险;这些消费者会...