Out of Space is a local co-op multiplayer game about living together in a house in space. You and your friends are about to move into a house in space, where you will have to deal with a deadly alien infestation and face the challenges of building a sustainable spaceship, all to make...
“EA: Out of Space is a home maintenance strategy game, set with aliens in outer space. It's fine solo but definitely more fun with friends! 6/10” 阅读完整评测 讨论此评测 单人 在线合作 同屏/分屏合作 Steam 成就 Steam 集换式卡牌 Steam 云 在手机上远程畅玩 在平板上远程畅玩 在电视上远程...
Out of Space is a LOCAL and ONLINE co-op multiplayer game about living together in a house in space.You and your friends are about to move into a house in space, where you will have to deal with a deadly alien infestation and face the challenges of building a sustainable spaceship, all...
You and your friends will need to generate resources, recycle trash and alien goo, buy and build new technologies, and take care of one another, if you ever want to call home the mess that you got into. As a COUCH-FUN game, Out of Space has short matches and is easy for everyone ...
Out of Space官网是什么? 官网在17173游戏页面已经有入口,看右侧官网区域,或者点击下方链接: Out of Space官网请点击>>>传送门 17173游戏页面请点击>>>传送门 Out of Space is a cooperative multiplayer game about trying to live together in space. To live with your folks, or your boyfriend or your ...
Out of Space is a local co-op multiplayer game about living together in a house in space. You and your friends are about to move into a house in space, where you will have to deal with a deadly alien infestation and face the challenges of building a sus
Out of Space: Couch Edition Plug In Digital 3+ Out of Space is a local co-op multiplayer game about living together in a house in space. Out of Space: Couch Edition 当前不可用。 概述系统要求 功能 单个玩家Xbox 本机多人游戏 (2-4)...
Out of Space 太空乱游的视频,攻略,评测,图片,评分,讨论, 帮助你判断是否好玩,发现更多相似好游戏及爱玩这些游戏的人
暂时翻译成《空间不足(Out Of Space)》 这又是一款弹幕射击类幸存者游戏,但确实是在玩法上又整出了点新花样。在这个游戏中,怪物是无法被直接杀死的,我们必须利用各种枪械的击退效果把怪物打出场地之外才能消灭它们,但是怪物也可以用相同的方法秒杀我们。这个玩法就很容易让人联想到相扑的规则,当然制作组也明确说了...
由Behold Studios开发制作的全新多人合作游戏《Out of Space》登陆Steam开启抢先体验阶段,虽然游戏标明的是多人合作游戏,事实上与《胡闹厨房》一样,写作合作读作分手的友尽游戏,一起来看看吧。 《Out of Space》是一款以太空船为背景的合作休闲游戏。在游戏中玩家将会出生在一艘有程序随机生成的太空船中,而玩家的任务...