Wikipedia (sīt) n. 1. a.The ability to see. b.Field of vision:out of my sight. 2. a.The act or fact of seeing:hoping for a sight of land; caught sight of a rare bird. b.Something seen:That bird is a rare sight around here. ...
Wikipedia out of sight, out of mind That which cannot be seen or is not noticeable will be forgotten.The boss hasn't been down to the warehouse in months, so he has no idea that there are so many issues in here. Out of sight, out of mind, I suppose.Just sweep everything under th...
Wikipedia SIGHT, contracts. Bills of exchange are frequently made payable at sight, that is, on presentment, which might be taken naturally to mean that the bill should then be paid without further delay; but although the point be not clearly settled, it seems the drawee is entitled to the...
Thesaurus MedicalDictionary LegalDictionary FinancialDictionary Acronyms Idioms Encyclopedia WikipediaEncyclopedia A A A A Language: Mobile Apps: For surfers: Free toolbar & extensions Word of the Day Help For webmasters: Free content Linking Lookup box Close world(redirected from out of this world)Als...
The kids burst out in a fit of the giggles when the clown fell down on stage. See also: burst, out Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved. See also: come across like come across like (someone or something) always the bridesmaid always the bridesmaid, ne...
Time being a continuum, willingly or unwillingly, consciously or unconsciously, all vagaries of fashion notwithstand ing, we live to some extent in the shadow of what is “out of sight”. In the field of lexic ography we therefore write, using a double entendre, in the past as well as ...
out of someone's cotton-picking mind out of someone's face out of someone's good graces out of someone's hair out of someone's league out of someone's road out of someone's senses out of someone's shell out of someone's sight out of someone's way out of someone's wheelhouse out...
TOS Tales of Suspense (comic) TOS Toshiba Corporation (stock symbol; Japan) TOS Talend Open Studio (software) TOS Terminal Operating System TOS The Obesity Society (est. 1982; Silver Spring, MD) TOS The Old Schoolhouse (magazine) TOS Terminate on Sight (G-Unit album) TOS Temporarily Out of...
There was a mouse for want of stairs, ‘Ran up a rope to say his prayers.” Father was not amused and reached for the rod. Isaac fell to his knees and begged: “Father, Father, pity take, And I will no more verses make[1]!” ...
There was lots of eating, as usual, and we did a little bit of sight-seeing, but most importantly got to all hang out together. Looking like a hot mess. Hot & humid leads to untamed hair. I started volunteering at the US Open (Tennis) a few years ago (to join my friend, Wade)...