0000'","caused_by":{"type":"x_content_parse_exception","reason":"[1:1133] Numeric value (3600000000) out of range of int (-2147483648 - 2147483647) at [Source: (byte[])\ 二,原因: int类型在Elasticsearch中通常表示为32位有符号整数,其取值范围是-2,147,483,648 到 2,147,483,647 三,...
I use GitHub commit status plugin to set commit status at the end of the build and get next error: com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParseException: Numeric value (4295001555) out of range of int at [Source: {"url":"https://api.github.com/repos/organiztion/repo/statuses/120ba5d2a8719c59a8...
一、Spring Boot 应用测试存在的问题 官方提供的测试框架spring-boot-test-starter,虽然提供了很多功能(junit、spring test、assertj、hamcrest、mockito、jsonassert、jsonpath),但是在数据库层面,依旧存在问题,它强烈依赖于数据库中的数据,并且自身不具备数据初始化的能力。测试框架spring-test-dbunit与spring-boot-unitils...
pgStream.sendChar(0); // End of query string. pgStream.sendInteger2(params.getParameterCount()); // # of parameter types specified for (int i = 1; i <= params.getParameterCount(); ++i) { pgStream.sendInteger4(params.getTypeOID(i)); } 2. sendDescribeStatement pgStream.sendChar('D'...
public void sendInteger2(int val) throws IOException {if (val >= -32768 && val <= 32767) {this.int2Buf[0] = (byte)(val >>> 8);this.int2Buf[1] = (byte)val;this.pgOutput.write(this.int2Buf);} else {throw new IOException("Tried to send an out-of-range integer as a 2-byt...
在python中,list index out of range意思是列表的索引分配超出列范围。对于有序序列: 字符串 str 、列表 list 、元组 tuple进行按索引取值的时候,默认范围为 0 ~ len(有序序列)-1,计数从0开始,而不是从1开始,最后一位索引则为总长度减去1。当然也可以使用负数表示从倒数第几个,计数从-1...
ERROR: integer out of range STATEMENT: INSERT INTO x(y) VALUES (10000000000000) Explanation: You've tried to INSERT an integer value into a table that exceeds the range of the underlying integer data type in the specified column. The easiest example of this is when you literally insert a ...
The literal of int xxxxx is out of range 有时候我们定义了long型的变量,当我们给该变量赋值过长的整数时,系统依然会提示长度超过范围,解决办法如下: long timeShow = 1437565243495L; 我们需要在整形变量的后面加上“L”,便可以避免系统报错。
int size = paramList.size(); // 数据量不足count指定的大小 if (size <= count) { ret.add(paramList); } else { int pre = size / count; int last = size % count; // 前面pre个集合,每个大小都是count个元素 for (int i = 0; i < pre; i++) { ...
另外就是中转了,用LOOP跳不过去,那我可以先用LOOP跳到一个较近的地方,在用JMP指令跳转,JMP指令的跳转范围是64K,毫无压力的,程序后几行改成如下试试:INC SI INC DI LOOP AGAIN11 MOV AH,4CH INT 21H AGAIN11: JMP AGAIN CODE ENDS END START ...