一般都是重大疾病花到大几十万的会选择maximum out-of-pocket expense这个条约 Deductible:在保单内定好一个deductible,就是在一年内,被保人只需要付deductible这么多的钱,剩余的由保险公司来付。通常deductible的金额会比较小,例如500或者1000左右,剩下的由保险公司来付,一般三五千的普通医疗费用,会选择pay deductible...
out-of-pocket maximum:超过deductible的费用,保险公司有时并不是全报销,会有一个报销的比例,自己可能还要掏一部分。out-of-pocket maximum指的是自己掏这一部分的上限。举个例子,医疗费用为4000,deductible是1000, 保险公司报销50%,out-of-pocket maximum是2000。本来自己要掏的部分是1000(deduct...
maximumdeductiblelimitsannualpocketgrandathered The Patient Protection and A ordable Care Act (PPACA) requires health plans to comply with cost-sharing limits with respect to certain employer-sponsored group health plan coverage. The cost-sharing limits include both an overall annual out-o -pocket (...
不少保险还会有Out-of-Pocket Maximum/Limit,意为如果患者自付的这些Deductible, Copayment还有Coinsurance这些Out-of-Pocket Payment之和超过某一数值,保险公司就会负责其他所有的医药费。 一般来说,在选购保险时,如果其他指标相同时,Deductible越低,Copayment越低,Coinsurance越高(保险公司支付的比例越高)保费越高。
网络释义 1. 自付额 因为大多数的保险公司对飓风设定的自付额(out-of-pocket deductible),比较高,灾民的负担相对就高。如今改为「暴风」,灾… www.123nynews.com|基于3个网页
OPMOut-of-Pocket Maximum(health insurance) OPMOriginals per Minute(printing) OPMOperations Per Minute OPMOperating Profit Margin(finance) OPMObject-Process Methodology OPMOrganización Político Militar(Spanish: Military Political Organization; Paraguay) ...
The ACA limits out-of-pocket maximums, the max amount of costs for covered services you'll pay out-of-pocket in a policy period on your health plan.
Each year the ACA sets new limits for out-of-pocket maximums and deductibles. Here are the limits for 2018 plans for individuals and families.
Your plan dictates how your expenses are shared after you've met your deductible. For example, you could be forced to pay only a portion of the charges (coinsurance, discussed later). If you have a family plan, you may have a family out-of-pocket maximum as well asindividualout-of-poc...
when you've met the deductible, you may be responsible for a percentage of covered costs (this is calledcoinsurance). These payments count toward your out-of-pocket maximum. When you reach that amount, the insurance plan pays