Release date: May 23, 2025 A live-action remake of 2002's Lilo & Stitch is in the works for Disney Plus, directed by Marcel the Shell With Shoes On helmer Dean Fleischer Camp. The original animated movie follows Lilo (voiced by Daveigh Chase), an eccentric six-year-old girl being rais...
She is the singer in Glaswegian rock band Unquiet Mind. More about disney plus Disney Plus is working on its second reimagining of the cult '90s children’s book Holes – and this one will feature a female lead Alien: Romulus finally gets a Disney Pl...
Inside Out 2 returns to the mind of newly minted teenager Riley just as headquarters is undergoing a sudden demolition to make room for something entirely unexpected: new Emotions! Joy, Sadness, Anger, Fear and Disgust, who've long been running a successful operation by all accounts, aren't ...
Inside OUT is AWESOME. This must-see tells us the story of a troubled teenager and a personification of her emotions. Pixar brings the storyline perfectly by sliding disney magic while having emotions while watching this movie. A MUST-SEE. ...
(Image credit: Panasonic / Disney+) Are you using a friend or family member's login to access Disney Plus? If so, you might find yourself locked out in the coming months, as the House of Mouse has reportedly set out its plan to prevent its users from sharing their account details ...
The company’s expanded paid-sharing rollout comes less than a month before its U.S. prices are set to go up. As of October 17, Disney+ Basic and Disney+ Premium monthly subscriptions will increase by $2. Disney is also hiking the prices of Hulu, ESPN+, and its multi-service bund...
The latest episode of the Disney+ series saw Billie (Janice Leann Brown) using a potion to enter Justin’s mind and discovering that Justin’s underling, who eventually took over as headmaster when the eldest Russo was fired, sabotaged him. On graduation day, Justin had planned a surprise ...
In an interview with CNBC, Disney CEO Bob Iger revealed that the company is planning to begin its "first real foray into password sharing" this June, with the goal to fully rollout enforcement of the rule by September 2024.
The Eras Tour (Taylor’s Version), as the Disney+ edition has been dubbed, will notably feature the song “cardigan” from Swift’s folklore album (which was originally cut from the theatrical release), as well as four additional acoustic songs. When the film first became available on VOD,...