1-1-1 慣用英字 1.1 跳出圈外 (1-1慣用英字1.1 Out of the loop) 17 0 陳昱睿 posted on 2025/03/02 More Video vocabulary Filter Keywords literally US /ˈlɪtərəli/ ・ UK adverb So as to express the exact meaning of something Used to say something is true, ...
The meaning of OUTSIDE LOOP is a maneuver in which an airplane starting from straight and level flight passes successively through a dive, inverted flight, and a climb and then returns to normal flight.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. knock oneself out 1.Make a great effort, as inI was knocking myself out to finish on time. This expression also is put negatively,Don't knock yourself out, meaning "don't exert your...
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. knock oneself out 1.Make a great effort, as inI was knocking myself out to finish on time. This expression also is put negatively,Don't knock yourself out, meaning "don't exert your...
The meaning of OUTSIDE LEFT is the outermost forward on the left of the center in a game (as soccer) in which there are five forwards.
This morning, Alison Natasi’s piece “20 Poets on the Meaning of Poetry” in Flavorwire had me drooling. It’s hard to pick a favorite from among such an abundance of riches, but number 9 from Carl Sandburg’sTentative (First Model): Definitions of Poetry,did, pretty much, do what ...
writing works because it allows you to make meaning out of a painful experience, experts say. Recognizing that something is bothering you is an important first step. Translating that experience into language forces you to...
用户通过在deployment中直接配置nodeName字段尝试绑定特定节点运行pod,而default调度器会忽略nodeName字段不为空的pod,由kubelet listAndWatch到pod之后筛选nodeName为自己的hostname的pod,放到syncLoop循环处理,其中具有一个Admit过程通过把scheduler的generalPredicate算法在(node, pod)上面执行一次,如果失败且pod不是critical...
This is the common greeting for friends and strangers in Myanmar. The direct translation is, ” it is a blessing” which has dual meaning for hello and goodbye. It also has a wonderful subtext as an offering of ‘ auspicious blessings”. What nicer way could there be to greet and part ...
The goal of the exercise is to find meaning in an unsettling event. Yanatha Desouvre turned to expressive writing about 15 years ago, after the breakup of what he says was an unhealthy relationship. He wrote to unders...