Ontario Resource Care Association (formerly Ontario Residential Care Association)membership are agencies licensed thru the Ministry of Children Community and Social Services to provide out of home care and support for children, youth and adults in the pr
To this end, Section 2 briefly refers to the needs of 5 groups other than the child in care: carers, natural parents, voluntary support groups and service providers, government inspectors, and the public. A sizeable literature provides evidence of these needs. 1 FaHCSIA's consultation process ...
Calls for increased accountability in child welfare services have created interest in the development of outcome measures for providers of out-of-home care services. This paper examines conceptual and practical issues that are relevant to the development of standardized evaluation of out-of-home care....
The complexities of cultural support planning for Indigenous children in and leaving out-of-home care: the views of service providers in Victoria, Australia Indigenous children and young people are over-represented at all stages of the Australian child protection system. Policy and legislative initiativ...
informed reparative experiences to address and heal this damage.1 This report explores the underpinning theories that have been used to contextualise Therapeutic OOHC, and which help to create a Framework for care providers who seek to understand the philosophies and practices of this particular ...
Indigenous youth transitioning from out-of-home care in Australia: a study of key challenges and effective practice responses Purpose This paper aims to report on the findings of a qualitative study that explored the views of 53 service providers assisting Indigenous young people ... L Turnbull,J...
A medical home model for children should be coordinated with multiple sectors including health care providers and relevant community actors. Despite the popularity of the model, a recent systematic review demonstrated there are very few previous studies that show significant impact of organisational ...
Mental health service (MHS) providers confront questions of informed consent for evaluation and treatment of children in state custody who are placed in residential or foster care programs, where legal responsibility is shared between state and parent. There are ethical issues encountered by MHS provid...
Mostly women and frequently welfare recipients, home care workers have typically bounced back and forth between government employment, private vendors, and work as independent providers and contractors. Bargaining power over wages has been miniscule, and, with private homes as worksites, working ...
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