Statements are not to be taken out of contextdoi:
d out of Context]]>Statements by St. Louis Archbishop Robert J. Carlson about notknowing whether sexual abuse of...Fowler, Lilly
Welcome. Here is a copy of today's arrangement and an employer handbook pleased to have you as part of our team owners. It's good to have you on board. What's the video again? And decide whether the statements are true or false? Correct? The false statements? Lawrence is asked to r...
Wunschwashorrifiedtoseehisnuancedstatementstakenoutofcontexttobacktheprogramme'sdodgypremise. 温斯迟惊恐地看到自己略有差异的陈述被断章取义,用以支持该节目不可靠的前提。 9. Facedwithcriticism,thecandidatehasclaimedthathedidn'tmeanwhat he seemed to mean,and that hiswordsweretakenoutofco...
But, not only did this person take parts of several statements in the report, munge them together in an attempt to use the findings completely out of context; this person also completely ignored (or purposefully omitted) other points discussed in relation to this specific probl...
网络脉络 网络释义 1. 脉络 ...完整地发放所有演讲的录影。因此,他们会选择性和抽离脉络(quoted out of context)及扭曲播放。”安华辩称,本身当时是 …|基于2个网页 例句 释义: 全部,脉络
This form of misinformation can be particularly dangerous because images are a powerful tool for swaying popular opinion and promoting false beliefs.Psychological researchhas shown that people are more likely to believe true and false trivia statements, such as "turtles are deaf,"when they're present...
This tells you the amount of memory that cannot be reused because the objects that use the memory need to be added to the finalization queue and therefore cannot be collected immediately. IDisposable and the using statements in C# and Visual Basic® can help reduce the number of objects ...
Because, after all, type T is a concept in your head that is never captured in your explicit programming statements. But if you use a more flexible object-oriented language (such as C#) to express the abstract structure of your program and directly introduce the concept of type T, then ...
The reason that this can be useful is subtle, and most people initially avoid spin waiting because it seems like pure wasted work; if a context switch (which happens any time a thread waits on a kernel event) costs several thousands of cycles (we’ll call this c), wh...