What do we need to know to make the world a better place? To make progress against the pressing problems the world faces, we need to be informed by the best research and data. Our World in Data makes this knowledge accessible and understandable, to empower those working to build a better...
'Our World in Data'与其他数据平台的比较 与其他数据平台相比,'Our World in Data'具有显著的优势。首先,在数据覆盖领域方面,'Our World in Data'涵盖了人口、经济、环境等多个领域,提供了全球范围内的全面数据。其次,在数据来源和准确性方面,'Our World in Data'严格筛选数...
Life Expectancy:Our World in Data. . 2016Our World in Data. (20 16). [Line graph illustration of increase of education on a global level]. Global rise of education since 1950. Retrieved from: https://ourworldindata.org/global-rise-of-education/...
theOur World in DataGrapher, developed by us. All our software is open-source and free for everyone to use, but the code will require a relatively experienced developer to implement. If you are looking only to publish one or a few interactive visualizations on the web we recommendDatawrapper...
这里,有一个在线网址,可以查找疾病相关数据,也包含了其他主题的数据,可以下载,进行作图,非常方便,他就是——Our world in data。 网址介绍 Our world in data https:///charts 数据查找 1.打开网址之后,我们就可以搜索数据了,这里我用depression(抑郁症)为主题,搜索一下,我们看看会出现什么。当你输入名称的时候...
Company Jobs0 https://ourworldindata.org/ Poverty, disease, hunger, climate change, war, existential risks, and inequality: The world faces many great and terrifying problems. It is these large problems that our work at Our World in Data focuses on. Our World in Data publishes an open-acc...
Our World in Data is focussing on the powerful changes that reshape our world To work towards a better future, we all need to understand how and why the world has changed up to now. We must carefully measure what we care about, and let the facts and rese
在线可视化数据网站Our World In Data 这个网站通过表格、趋势图等等,展示了人类历史中重大问题的进展情况,数据源于各种论文、国际组织报告等,所有的内容都可以免费商用。
从哪儿找数据来源权威可靠的可视化数据?文 / 王不留 推荐一个有意思的可视化数据的网站,主要展示的是宏观层面的数据。数据真实可靠,做学术研究时用得着。它就是:https://www.ourworldindata.org Our World in Data 是由牛津大学经济学家麦克斯·罗瑟(Max Roser)在2011年发起的一个在线数据分享项目,并称之...
,此外网页链接{Our World in Data}真是一个宝藏网站 ,安利。 1956年,经济学家Robert Solow提出了一个后来让他获得诺贝尔经济学奖的描述经济增长的模型: Y 是社会总生产力,K是资本,A是科技水平,L是劳动人口 在这个模型里面,只有科技的不断进步才能带来长期的人均GDP增长。