book2-unit4-2 177 2022-08 15 book2-unit4-1 157 2022-08 14 book2-unit3-4 152 2022-08 13 book2-unit3-3 143 2022-07 12 book2-unit3-2 132 2022-07 11 book2-unit3-1 138 2022-07 10 book2-unit2-5 140 2022-07 9 book2-unit2-4 ...
Our World Book 2 Unit 1-歌曲狍子司机 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多 176 0 02:44 App 环球少儿英语 Our World 一级 单词示范朗读 Unit 03|10单元全 56 0 02:53 App 环球少儿英语 Our World 一级 单词示范朗读 Unit 08 101 0 02:53 App 环球少儿英语 Our World 一级 单词示范...
初中英语教案Our World (1-4) Book 2《剑桥国际少儿英语》第二册教案 Our WorldReview of Units 1-4 单元目标语言: 语词:Canada, Canadian, snow, igloo, world 结构: 单元技能目标: 听:能够听懂课文中关于加拿大的民族文化的介绍,能够听懂数字1-20和表示方位关系的介词 说:能够谈论家居物品及其摆放位置 读:...
Our World Book2 Unit 1-语法 159播放02:22 Our World-Book 2-Unit 2 语法 狍子司机 160 0 14:00 Our World L2-U05-词汇 狍子司机 101 0 02:44 环球少儿英语 Our World 一级 单词示范朗读 Unit 03|10单元全 狍子司机 156 0 02:53 环球少儿英语 Our World 一级 单词示范朗读 Unit 08 ...
剑桥国际少儿英语二册our world 4 book 2们世界.pdf,《 国际少儿英语》第二册教案 教学对象: 小学 1-2 年级 Our World Review of Units 1-4 教学时间:40 分钟/ 单元目标语言: 语词:Canada, Canadian, snow, igloo, world 结构: 单元技能目标: 听: 能够听懂课文中关于
nobook创作的儿童有声书作品OUR WORLD LEVEL2 WORKBOOK,目前已更新62个声音,收听最新音频章节61 曲目 61.wav。OURWORLDLEVEL2WORKBOOK
together as a paragraph in your notebook. 1. What do you like to do at home? 2. What do you like to do at school? 3. What do you like to do on Saturday? Share. Work in groups of three. Make a chart. Read your writing. Take turns. Take notes and share them. ...
People from all over the world paint their faces. Some people paint their faces to show how they feel about important days. This Native American girl paints her face to show she feels happy and proud of her community and traditions.
1. There are continents and oceans in the world. Task one: The sentence doesn't have a preceding sentence as it's the first one. Task two: Original: There are continents and oceans in the world. Paraphrase: The world comprises both continents and oceans. ...
作者:NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 出版社:NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 出版时间:0000-00-00 印刷时间:0000-00-00 ,购买OUR WORLD—LEVEL 2 AUDIO CD(全新塑封,详见图)仅盘无书等文学相关商品,欢迎您到孔夫子旧书网