When we launched Our Story at Electric Daisy Carnival we had our fingers crossed - we hoped the Snapchat community would contribute their unique point of view. We were absolutely blown away when Snapchatters contributed over 350 hours of Snaps to Our Story during EDC, Rio, Outside Lands, an...
Facebook 今天正式发布了类 Snapchat 产品Slingshot,而 Snapchat 也没有停止脚步,在阅后即焚领域的领域不断深入发展。 新版Snapchat 中增加了Our Story功能,提供基于公共活动的图片和视频共享服务,用户可以上传自己在现场的实时图片和视频。用户在拍摄照片或视频后,可以看到活动列表,点击发表,这些内容就会加入到相应的 ...
对Snapchat 来说,整合“非好友”的 Story 是一步质的飞跃,其重心正逐渐从“阅后即焚”信息中转移。目前,Snapchat 在试图与更多大型活动主办方建立合作。试想一下,用 Snapchat 看直播一定比看 Twitter 信息流有趣得多。如果一切进行顺利,Our Story 极有可能为 Snapchat 带来更多收益。 实际上,Electric Daisy是...
Facebook今天正式发布了类Snapchat产品Slingshot,而Snapchat也没有停止脚步,在阅后即焚领域的领域不断深入发展。 新版Snapchat中增加了Our Story功能,提供基于公共活动的图片和视频共享服务,用户可以上传自己在现场的实时图片和视频。用户在拍摄照片或视频后,可以看到
Bush, Samantha Valtierra
估值百亿美元的阅后即焚应用Snapchat自从去年6月推出Our Story功能之后,在Electric Daisy试水Our Story功能,尝试带有剪辑功能的现场直播。最近,Snapchat的Our Story又有新功能——查看附近的活动。 基于LBS定位的Our Story,可以给用户机会查看附近的活动照片或者视频,在满足用户“圈子化”的需求后,又满足用户基于LBS的...
据the Verge,Snapchat正与NCAA(全美大学生体育协会)及其他体育联盟进行协商,试图将体育赛事融入到其Our Story功能中。Our Story通过收集身处比赛现场的用户上传的实时图片和视频,为其他用户提供充满现场感的观赛体验。在实时这个属性上,Snapchat希望挖掘更多的可能性,盛会、赛事、演出是最典型的例子了。
If all goes to plan, the new addition to Our Story will launch with the Final Four, but future NCAA sporting events will also be featured. Snapchat debuted the Our Story feature last year after trial runs at an EDM music festival and the World Cup. In the latter instance, the company ...
Snapchat: We’re the Best Social Platform for Pharma Ads Deploying ambassadors to speak at the marketing conference DigiPharma Connect, Snapchat is vying to position itself as the best social media outlet for pharma marketing. Blog April 1, 2019 The Week That Was: No Rest for the Wicked ...
4. Dive into Story World, where you can experience your own unique stories!There's a strange library in a corner of LINE PLAY. The fairy Libro lives there, and he needs your help!Please, help us! The only way to see the endings is to take back the stories!5. Record special moments...