I have a new Winter Themed – Simple Addition and Subtraction Worksheet Packet to share with you! These include doubling, addition and subtraction practice problems as well as some simple skip-counting exercises. This new Winter Themed – Addition and Subtraction Packet is 10 pages. I have added...
I have a new Winter Themed – Simple Addition and Subtraction Worksheet Packet to share with you! These include doubling, addition and subtraction practice problems as well as some simple skip-counting exercises. This new Winter Themed – Addition and Subtraction Packet is 10 pages. I have added...
Our Ever Changing Earth Notes Part One
Students should work through the challenge in groups. Choosing a challenge that incorporates the whole class can not only help your students build teamwork skills, but can bring comradery to your classroom as your students empower not only each other, but youth outside of their own communities ...
(Save over $10 with this Bundle) 1) Earth Science Unit, 2) Layers of the Atmosphere Unit, 3) Magnetism & the Magnetosphere, 4) Weather & Natural Disasters Unit, 5) Rocks and Minerals Unit 6) Water Cycle Unit, 7) Where I Live Activity Packet – My galaxy, solar system, planet, ...
for Earth Day, World Ocean Day or as an activity for a Friday, before a vacation break or as an end of the year activity. This can be a one day class resource or used for a couple of days depending on whether the activities(creative writing/art work/online simulation games, etc.) a...